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Words related to giantess

a female giant

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References in periodicals archive ?
The True Tale of a Giantess: The Story of Anna Swan
FREAK SHOW Date: Friday 8th & Saturday 9th March Time: 8pm Venue: Riverside Theatre, Coleraine Inspired by the true story of the 17th Century Portrush Giantess, Mary Murphy, Freak Show is an original blast of irreverent theatre from Portstewart's Big Telly.
A small woman with glowing, round eyes and a ready wit, Queen Victoria is remembered today as the charming giantess who ruled while the sun never set on the British Empire.
Untitled Study (Bather) is the most playful of these, for while (Looking Back) looks back and the gaze in (Downward Gaze) is downward, (Bather) shows a woman who is at once bather and lake, as though she, as in the painting by JP Munro above her, were a giantess, or as though two different ways of seeing were vying with one another on the canvas.
Born in a cave with a snake and a wolf for brothers, Hel is the daughter of a giantess and of Loki, the god of mischief -- it's no wonder that Hel is unusual too.
Hel, the half-dead, goddess daughter of giantess, Angrboda, and god, Loki, lives in the frosted world of Jotunheim.
It certainly gives a whole different slant to this familiar tale as we hear the story from the point of view of the Giantess, Violet.
2 VIKING HELMET Bass god Leland Sklar and I created mythological alter egos (giantess Judehilde and her miniature monk).
A giantess who towered above the men in a sleeveless aqua muumuu.
Starting in 1922, it focuses initially on Vivien, a 24-year-old plain but intelligent singleton who, at nearly 6ft tall, is known unkindly by her family as 'the giantess'.
Anne's, where, as she sits contemplating the possibility of Mark's death, a giantess in a "flame coloured robe" accompanied by several dwarfs enters from the garden gate (304-05).
If you found the watermelon mugs, you'd meet Philly native Murphy, who's about to enroll in Yale Drama School, and her magical-realist Giantess, about a young woman named Dee so devoted to caring for her frail grandmother that she forgets about herself--until a 30-foot girl strides into her life.
Small wonder that Gozitan folklore claims the island's ancient temples honour a giantess with a bottom that makes Kim Kardashian look anorexic.