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Synonyms for gibbous

characteristic of or suffering from kyphosis, an abnormality of the vertebral column

(used of the moon) more than half full


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References in periodicals archive ?
14 Castor in Gemini 100 Parent comet Moon Name (or asteroid) phase Quadrantids 2003 [EH.sub.1] waning crescent Lyrids 1861 G1/Thatcher full Eta Aquariids 1P/Halley new Delta Aquariids 96P/Machholz last quarter Perseids 109P/Swift-Tuttle waxing gibbous Orionids 1P/Halley waning gibbous Leonids 55P/Tempel-Tuttle waning gibbous Geminids 3200 Phaethon full * The likely peak zenithal hourly rate (ZHR): the number a single observer would see per hour If the radiant were at the zenith and the sky were dark enough for magnitude-6.5 stars to be seen.
Liverpool Pyramid Ricky and Pamela at the Strictly Come Dancing show, at the Echo Arena Picture: JULIEREYNOLDS 1956 A yacht gets a new coat of paint Picture: THEWOLFE The full moon caught with a bridge camera Picture: SOODOODLE The waxing gibbous moon, as captured by a Nikon D5000 through an eight-inch reflector telescope
Stack them by putting the new moon on the bottom, the crescent moon on top, then the half moon, gibbous moon, and full moon.
Something, the wind perhaps, is picking through trash scuttled against the aluminum grates which blink in synchrony with the scuddy, gibbous moon, and it's almost romantic, as if a tryst were again being scripted, and it is your seventeen-year-old self about to enter.
Can you detect that Mars looks slightly gibbous now that the planet is near eastern quadrature (90[degrees] east of the Sun)?
On the 30th, the gibbous moon will shine with bright orange Mars and will climb with the moon for a lovely view at midnight.
Waning Gibbous moon uu--Wikimedia/Thomas Bressson CAIRO -- 3 June 2018: The Waning Gibbous Moon is near Mars, in a phenomenon that can be observed with the naked eye in the skies of the Arab region, according to Jeddah Astronomy Society.
As of Monday the moon was a waxing gibbous, meaning it was still getting brighter.
MARCH 19-20 The waning gibbous Moon shines with Spica and bright Mars late tonight.
The waning gibbous moon will be out in full force during the shower's peak, but skywatchers in dark areas of the Northern Hemisphere during the wee hours of Thursday morning might still get a decent show.
The large gibbous phase is therefore often under-observed, yet records of this phase are those most easily able to define the shape and extent of the characteristic, large Y- and psi-shaped dark markings which can almost always be seen in the ultraviolet and glimpsed--in part at least--in white light.
(17 & 18) EVENING: Watch as the fattening gibbous Moon hopscotches over Mars, first appearing some 5[degrees] right of the Red Planet and then 6[degrees] upper left, as it continues on its trek along the ecliptic.
Moon and Jupiter - Jeddah Astronomy Society official Twitter account CAIRO -- 4 April 2018: On April 4, the Waning Gibbous moon will meet Jupiter a few hours before midnight until sunrise in a phenomenon that can be observed with the naked eye in the skies of the Arab region, according to Jeddah Astronomy Society.
Although the waxing gibbous moon that takes effect Thursday may potentially make the Perseids a little less bright, star gazers should be able to see all the wonders of the meteor shower as long as their under a particularly dark sky area like the suburbs or countryside.