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Synonyms for giddily

in a giddy light-headed manner

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Maradona at home vinyls "One hit, I felt like Superman," giddily confesses the player.
People say, 'Oh, Japan is so expensive', but actually, it's not really expensive, it's just that you're constantly spending money because everything is awesome," says anderson, almost giddily.
Jump by Tatsuhide Matsuoka, Gecko Press, PS7.99 HHHH H THIS adorable flip chart book from awardwinning Japanese illustrator Tatsuhide Matsuoka is full of humour, and animals' bellies as they leap giddily in the air.
CHILDREN'S books of the week Jump by Tatsuhide Matsuoka, Gecko Press, PS7.99 HHHH H THIS adorable flip chart book from awardwinning Japanese illustrator Tatsuhide Matsuoka is full of humour, and animals' bellies as they leap giddily in the air.
It alarmed me how he, as president, kept referring to the constituents he was elected to serve as "us" and "them." We are no longer "we," like right after 9/11, but are now reduced to "us" and "them." Even more alarming was how his followers seemed to giddily rejoice in that.
While she does not cook for her husband Chiz Escudero, Heart giddily said she is really good at table setting and
Or Dr Shahid Masood, who, after scathingly criticising PPP, giddily became the PTV chairman and then was exposed by one after another of his predictions' falling apart.
Mo and Stacey try to dissuade her to no avail and she giddily arranges cheap flights.
When the credits rolled on Indignation, my two ultra-orthodox friends laughed giddily. I sat motionless, because Roth touched upon something deep seated that I've always felt.
It gives me so much reason to be giddily optimistic.
If after Otfeo the concluding 15 minutes seemed a mite anticlimactic, this was in its own way a tribute to the lofty standard of frivolity that, for its first three hours, Carnaval had so giddily sustained.
Rodriguez is beyond grateful for being a part of the film, but if given the chance to choose who her next co-star would be, Rodriguez giddily answered that it would be the lead of "Mad Max: Fury Road."
There's something in the way he lets his inner child come out to play onstage, dancing like he's giddily challenging himself to see how fast, how high, how far he can go.
"I've been admiring him for a very long time,'' Hallstrom said of Spielberg, giddily noting the two are about the same age (Hallstrom is 68, Spielberg is 67).