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Synonyms for gidgee

scrubby Australian acacia having extremely foul-smelling blossoms

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
In the morning, David accompanied me to the flood-out for gidgee firewood.
Both are Australian skinks: the gidgee skink and the sleepy lizard, the latter a close relative of the blue-tongued lizard.
Poplar box, gidgee, brigalow, melaleuca and other woodland ecosystems are fast disappearing, taking with them mahogany gliders, squatter pigeons, bilby snakes, regent honeyeaters and many other dependent species.
A few months ago I was out there, not on the Finke River, not on the western edge of the Simpson Desert where this book's action takes place, but on the desert's northeastern edges after a brilliant season, among red dunes, flowering grevillea and swales of georgina gidgee and spinifex.
The dominant trees are often gidgee (Acacia cambagei) and A.
I cannot agree to your request that Ernestine Kearing should be permitted to spend a holiday of several weeks with your wife at Gidgee Station.