Gibson Desert

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Related to Gibson Desert: Great Sandy Desert, Spencer Gulf
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References in periodicals archive ?
The Western Australia Mallee shrub lies to the west, the Little Sandy Desert to the northwest, the Gibson Desert and the Central Ranges xeric shrub lands to the north, the Tirari and Sturt Stony deserts to the east, and the Nullarbor Plain to the south separating it from the Southern Ocean.
Western Australia [three: Great Sandy Desert, Gibson Desert, Great Victoria Desert]
The sandals were called mungar, in the language of the Wanman (Warnman) of the Rudall River area, and wdnya by their south-eastern neighbours of the Gibson Desert. Davidson apparently collected this information during fieldwork undertaken in Western Australia during 1938-39.
Filmed in the Gibson desert, the landscape is at once forbidding for European eyes and familiar to aboriginal eyes.
and Mexico, but farther east), the Sind Desert and the Thar Desert (between India and Pakistan), the Kalahari Desert (in Botswana, Namibia, and South Africa), Australia's Gibson Desert, Simpson Desert, the Great Victoria Desert, and the Great Sandy Desert, and even the central Asian Karakum Desert and Kyzylkum Desert.
This week's destination lies across the Gibson Desert where the Aborigine community of Kiwirrkurra has been waiting 10 years for their medical centre to be built, and this is what the guys will be delivering.
Martu territory covers a vast area in the Gibson Desert, Little Sandy Desert and Great Sandy Desert.
The Great Sandy Desert, Gibson Desert, Great Victoria Desert, Simpson Desert, and the Sturt Desert
Muntja lived most of her life in Wirrimanu Community, formerly the Balgo Hills Catholic mission, established in the early 1940s on the northwestern fringe of the Gibson Desert in Western Australia.