(redirected from Gibson Research Corporation)
Category filter:
GRCGridcoin (Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing; Berkeley)
GRCGovernance, Risk and Compliance
GRCGlenn Research Center (NASA)
GRCGreece (ISO Country code)
GRCGendarmerie Royale du Canada (RCMP - Canada)
GRCGeoenvironmental Research Centre
GRCGestion de la Relation Client (Customer Relationship Management)
GRCGlobal Research Collaboration (Semiconductor Research Corporation)
GRCGordon Research Conferences (biological, chemical & physical sciences)
GRCGroup Representation Constituency (Singapore)
GRCGibson Research Corporation
GRCGold Resource Corporation (Colorado Springs, CO)
GRCGlobal Roaming Consortium
GRCGradient Release Control
GRCGlobal Response Centre
GRCGeneric Robotic Controller
GRCGrupo Radio Centro (Spanish: Radio Center Group; Mexico)
GRCGulf Research Center (Dubai, UAE)
GRCJohn H. Glenn Research Center (NASA; formerly Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio)
GRCGlass Reinforced Concrete
GRCGranular Computing (International Computing)
GRCGeothermal Resources Council
GRCGreenwood Rhythm Coalition (band)
GRCGovernment Reform Committee (various locations)
GRCGraphic Communication (various organizations)
GRCGerontology Research Center
GRCGravity Roller Conveyor (various companies)
GRCGovernment Relations Committee
GRCGross Replacement Cost
GRCGeodynamics Research Center (Ehime University; Japan)
GRCGlobal Research Consortium (Red Bank, NJ)
GRCGovernance Review Committee (various locations)
GRCGeneral Revenue Corporation
GRCGrassroots Radio Conference (est. 1996)
GRCGerman Red Cross
GRCGladding Residence Center (Virginia Commonwealth University)
GRCGallatin River Communications (Delaware)
GRCGeneral Research Corporation
GRCGerontology Research Centre (Canada)
GRCGovernance Research Centre (UK)
GRCGenetic Resources Center
GRCGulf Region Central (District, USACE)
GRCGeographic Resources Center
GRCGalvanized Rigid Conduit
GRCGrants Review Committee
GRCGeospatial Research Centre (New Zealand)
GRCGeneric Reference Configuration
GRCGovernment of the Republic of China
GRCGeelong Revival Centre (Pentecostalism)
GRCGifted Resource Class (education)
GRCGeneral Reference Center (various locations)
GRCGeneral Rifling Characteristics (ballistics)
GRCGraves Registration Commission (UK)
GRCGreen Ribbon Committee (Nashville, TN)
GRCGrid Research Centre (cloud computing; University of Calgary; Canada)
GRCGlobal Regulatory Cooperation Project (US Chamber of Commerce)
GRCGatekeeper Routed Call
GRCGovernance Related Conditionality
GRCGas Reactor Column
GRCGlasgow Rowing Club (Scotland, UK)
GRCGreenland Cod
GRCGround Radio Communications
GRCGender Research Center (various organizations)
GRCGuest Registration Card (hotel industry)
GRCGroup Rooms Coordinator
GRCGraduate Resource Centre (University of Western Ontario; Canada)
GRCGeriatric Research Center
GRCGrain Research Committee of Western Australia
GRCGaussian Relay Channel
GRCGeneration Review Committee
GRCGolden Run Comparison
GRCGround Radio Transceiver ("C" is for transceiver since "T" is in use for Ground Radio Transmitter GRT)
GRCGovernment Regulations Coordinator
GRCGross Rating Cost
GRCGerman Racing Club
GRCGreen Racing Club (Italy)
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