GIAWGod Is a Woman (Ariana Grande song)
GIAWGenital Integrity Awareness Week (anti-circumcision campaign)
GIAWGlobal Incorporation Alliance Workshop (California)
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GIAW was a great opportunity to boost my intactivism, and I look forward to participating in more public intactivism.
This year marked the first appearance of the Bloodstained Men and Their Friends at GIAW. These intactivists, wearing white with red "bloodstains" on their genital area, present a stark image--one that makes the direct connection that every circumcised baby grows up to become a circumcised MAN.
This was my second year at GIAW. I arrived by car on the first day, Tuesday, March 26th, together with Rob Tsvetkov and Keith Mitchell.
I was really impressed with this impact that GIAW had on educating people, and I look forward to being there next year.
Pls share out,' the message continued, before ending with the line 'By Dr Tan Seng Giaw'.
'I will not back down,' said eight-term Kepong MP Dr Tan Seng Giaw when asked if he would continue to defend the seat in the coming 14th General Election.
To give a little background, I first met Brother K at GIAW 2013, but have heard about him online through Facebook before then.
Najib claimed PH had used 1MDB in a negative campaign against BN as GE14 neared, highlighting that PAC had cleared him of wrongdoing and that DAP's former Kepong MP Tan Seng Giaw who was on the parliamentary watchdog had also publicly cleared his name.
Awang said it agreed with 1MDB task force chairman Tan Sri Abu Talib Othman and DAP veteran Dr Tan Seng Giaw who called for the probe involving Najib to be conducted according to the procedure so it can remain prejudice-free.
The Bloodstained protest was an unanticipated sight for students visiting DC during GIAW, but their reactions became predictable to us: pull out the smart phone and take a photo.
A Parliament hansard, on December 20, 1999, cited that DAP's Tan Seng Giaw had led the exodus of Opposition MPs, then known as Barisan Alternatif, over Barisan Nasional's move to nominate Tun Mohd Zahir Ismail as the Speaker.
Mahathir cited various complications, including extradition laws, as reasons for not allowing Anwar to go overseas for treatment, according to another opposition delegate, Tan Seng Giaw of the Democratic Action Party.