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Related to GIANT: red giant
GIANTGPS Interference and Navigation Tool
GIANTGigapon Access Network
GIANTGeodesy in Antarctica
GIANTGlobally Interconnected Advanced Network Telepresence (Johnson Space Center; US NASA)
GIANTGeneral Information and Analysis Tool
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References in classic literature ?
Only in the garden of the Selfish Giant it was still winter.
How are you, my good fellow?" And when the small distant squeak of their voices reached his ear, the Giant would make answer, "Pretty well, brother Pygmy, I thank you," in a thunderous roar that would have shaken down the walls of their strongest temple, only that it came from so far aloft.
'Then hold on to me,' said the Giant, 'so that I may lead you up above again.' So the Herd-boy held on to the Giant, and in a few moments he found himself on the earth once more, but the Giant had vanished.
'You can certainly throw,' said the giant, 'but now we will see if you are able to carry anything properly.' He took the little tailor to a mighty oak tree which lay there felled on the ground, and said: 'If you are strong enough, help me to carry the tree out of the forest.'
With this the Giant pushed his big arms, which looked like tree-trunks (except that tree- trunks don't wear pink velvet) between the iron bars, and the arms were so long that they touched the opposite wall of the rock passage.
At sunset the giant returned, supped upon one of our unhappy comrades, slept and snored till dawn, and then left us as before.
Then, before anyone thought he was ready, he made a sudden leap straight between the iron giant's legs, and before the mallet struck the ground again the Lion and Ozma were safe on the other side.
As the Giant struck at him, the Knight leapt aside and the blow fell harmless.
'Once get a giant shaky on his legs, and the public care no more about him than they do for a dead cabbage stalk.'
"Oh!" replied the giant, making an effort that contorted every muscle of his body - "oh!
His stick had rested a moment while he looked to see the giant topple into the water, when down came the other upon his head, whack!
Although battling for his life, Sing had not failed to note the advent of the strange young giant, nor the part he had played in succoring the professor, so that it was with a feeling of relief that he saw the newcomer turn his attention toward those who were rapidly reducing the citadel of his own existence.