GIASGreatly Increased Attack Speed (Diablo II)
GIASGateway Internet Access Services
GIASGeospatial and Imagery Access Services
GIASGCC Imagery Analysis Section (USFK specific)
GIASGod Is a System (graffiti artist)
GIASGruppo Industriale Alimenti Surgelati (Italian: Frozen Food Industry Group)
GIASGroup Internal Audit Services (Liberty Group)
GIASGPS Integration Alternatives Study
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References in classic literature ?
Madame Olenska, again with a hand at her hair, uttered an exclamation of assent--a flashing "Gia-- gia"--and the Duke of St.
The aim of this paper is to apply a unique point of view focusing on the institutionalization of GIA and its connection with regulatory impact assessment (RIA).
In our paper, we want to build upon these approaches and study the quality of GIA contents and link it to the way RIA is institutionalized in the respective countries.
When we are talking about gender perspective in impact assessment it is necessary to outline some of the concepts related to GIA. The most significant is 'Social Impact Assessment' (SIA).
Some authors still oppose that SIA and GIA are two distinct IAs although their scopes overlap (Vanclay, 2003).
After resolving numerous local and air-travel issues over the next several months, and with my confidence building, I had the pleasure of being introduced to outdoor skeet shooting and decided to GIAS. (Again, pardon the pun.) It soon became obvious that my wheelchair, with its standard design, was no match for the shooting range's rough terrain and heavy gravel walkways.
Despite the cumbersome front wheels, the chair's fold-up characteristics offered some advantages to another GIAS opportunity.
So, after a GIAS maneuver of folding up the chair and hanging on to the seat cushion, we arrived in time for a wonderful dinner.
With increasing concern over the weight of the steel SUV machine, particularly evident when loading it unfolded into the back of the van, I decided to GIAS with a lighter-weight titanium Quickie Ti model.