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GIANGeneva International Academic Network (now Swiss Network for International Studies; Switzerland)
GIANGlobal Ignatian Advocacy Network (religious advocacy)
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GIANGermany-Iran Alumni Network
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References in periodicals archive ?
Gian Bocchetti ventured all the way from Bournemouth to meet the socalled car seller at New Street Station on Tuesday night.
Delos Reyes also faces charges of frustrated murder for shooting at the foot of Gian's grandmother, Elsa, when she grabbed him to prevent him from escaping.
Quezon City Vice Mayor-Elect Gian Sotto (ALI VICOY / MANILA BULLETIN)
GAMCO Investors Inc (NYSE:GBL) announced on Saturday that it has appointed Willis Brucker and Gian Maria Magrini to the investment team of the GDL Fund with immediate effect.
(USA) Jan 7 ( ANI ): American actress Jessica Chastain shared the first picture of her baby girl with husband Gian Luca Passi de Preposulo on Sunday.
NEWCASTLE United have been linked with Sassuolo defender Gian Marco Ferrari.
Lacing the majority of his lines and expressions with the vitriolic and snarling sarcasm required, Gian Marco is a brilliant performer and the likes of Oh What A Circus, High Flying Adored and A New Argentina give him the perfect platform to be the consummate showman.
Gian Maria Gros-Pietro, on the occasion of his first visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina and of the opening of the exhibition, said that he was particularly glad to bring these four artworks, which are part of the Intesa Sanpaolo's art collections, to the City Hall of Sarajevo from Palazzo Leoni Montanari in Vicenza.
This is the righteous position for the dragon of the hexagram gian, the monarch.
Gian Villante  -155     (20/31)