GIATGive It A Try
GIATGeospatial Intelligence Advancement Testbed
GIATGroupement Industriel de l'Armement Terrestre (French: Terrestrial Armament Manufacturing Group)
GIATGulf International Automobile Trading (est. 1995; Kuwait)
GIATGovernment Installation Acceptance Test
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She's the first of three women (all identified by first names only) trying to cajole their husbands and rabbinical authorities into accepting pleas for divorce, employing so-called "rabbinical pleader" Reut Giat as advocate.
The primary role of Caesar is to provide hit-and-run artillery fire on a platform that can move fast (about 65 mph) and keep up with the light armored vehicles in the unit, said William Sidgwick, manager of business development at Giat Industries.
The five main points are contained in a memorandum that GIAT is attempting to convince political parties to include in their individual manifestos for the 14th general election.
Felly ymddiheuriadau am fethu'r Gwasanaeth Diolchgarwch ond diolch o galon am ddangos y garreg fedd hynod hon i mi, carreg fedd a hanner, hen bostyn giat!
Giat's package is based on the replacing of the gun with that of the LG1, and while the upgraded weapon can weigh up to 2.5 tonnes the Giat package has been acquired by two south-east Asian armies.
But the group has been in talks with Giat for more than a year about joining its Wolverhampton-based bridging equipment business with Giat's own.
Giat decided to disengage from the Belgian firm due to mounting losses, which reached BEF 2.5 billion on turnover of BEF 14 billion in 1997.
"Yr hanes rhwng Cymru a Lloegr, traddodiad y gem yma, mae'n golygu popeth i bob Cymro," meddai Jamie gyda gwen fel giat.
Ro'n i'n mynd yn hamddenol, braf wedyn ac yn gwenu fel giat wrth sbio ar y coral arallfydol, y slywod moray, y sr mr anferthol glas a gwyrdd, y pysgod hyfryd o bob siap, lliw a llun, o'r 'threespot angelfish' sy'n felyn llachar efo gwefusau mawr swslyd glas, i'r 'great' barracuda oedd bron yr un hyd a fi.
Defence engineering group Vickers confirmed yesterday that it is to forge a strategic alliance with French state-owned armaments firm Giat Industries.
Ffarwel i giat Brynbrochion, ffarwel i Ben Lon Goch, Ffarwel i'r Eglwys Newydd, ac uchel swn ei chloch Ffarwel i Bonc Bodeilio a'r eithin brigog mawr Lle gyda hen gymdeithion y treuliais lawer awr.