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GICGeneral Insurance Company (various locations)
GICGeneral Insurance Corporation of India
GICGovernment Information Center
GICGlass Ionomer Cement (dentistry)
GICGlobal In-House Center
GICGuaranteed Investment Certificate
GICGeomagnetically Induced Current
GICGuaranteed Investment Contract
GICGender Identity Clinic
GICGovernor-In-Council (Canadian Cabinet in Official Session)
GICGlobal Identification Code
GICGraphite Intercalation Compound (chemistry)
GICGlobal Information and Communications (telecommunications)
GICGeographic Information Center
GICGovernment of Singapore Investment Corporation Pte Ltd
GICGroninger Internet Courant
GICGlobal Interdependence Center
GICGoing in Circles
GICGaeseong Industrial Complex (North Korea)
GICGuaranteed Interest Contract (insurance)
GICGuaranteed Income Contract (insurance)
GICGlobal Impression of Change (health assessment)
GICGreen Industry Conference
GICGrocery Innovations Canada (Canadian Federation of Independent Grocers)
GICGeneral Impedance Converter (operational amplifier filter design)
GICGifu International Center (Japan)
GICGas Industry Company Limited (New Zealand)
GICGemological Institute of Colombo (Colombo, Sri Lanka)
GICGuaranteed Insurance Contract
GICGrandparent Information Center (AARP)
GICGeneral Inpatient Care
GICGliding Induction Course
GICGroupement Interprofessionnel pour la Construction (French real estate development company; est. 1991; Paris, France)
GICGPS Integrity Channel
GICGamma Irradiation Center (Atomic Energy Organization of Iran)
GICGift in Crib (cribbage)
GICGNSS Integrity Channel (air traffic management)
GICGeneral Interface Channel (HP3000 controller board)
GICGuidance Information Center
GICGhana Investment Club
GICGeneral Information Criteria
GICGeneric Instrument Class Interface
GICGroup Indicator Code
GICGimnasio Internacional Cubano (Portugese)
GICGaussian Interference Channel
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"We are delighted to have GIC as our long-term investor in this growth story.
With this investment in place, GIC will acquire a 6% stake in a newly formed entity, Adnoc Oil Pipelines LLC, while BlackRock and KKR will have 40 per cent, ADRPBF with 3 per cent and Adnoc retaining the remaining 51 per cent.
This follow-on investment agreement will see GIC acquire a six percent stake in a newly formed entity, ADNOC Oil Pipelines, with BlackRock and KKR together holding 40 percent, ADRPBF three percent and ADNOC the remaining 51 percent.
The new deal takes the combined lease-based investment of GIC, ADRPBF, KKR and BlackRock to $4.9 billion.
The remainder of the business will be owned by Brookfield Infrastructure's institutional partners and GIC. Brookfield Infrastructure's investment will be funded from existing liquidity which totaled approximately USD 1.9 bn at June 30, 2019.
In the hours and days after a disaster, the GIC fleet of aircraft flies over impacted areas to capture and assess damage to provide members with imagery and data on impacted properties.
GIC, wholly owned by the government of Singapore, is one of the world's largest global investors with well over $100 billion of assets in more than 40 countries worldwide.
GIC's 'A-' rating is driven by the support Fitch believes the institution would receive from its six sovereign shareholders: Saudi Arabia (A+/Stable), Kuwait (AA/Stable), Qatar (AA-/Stable), Oman (BBB-/Negative), Bahrain (BB-/Stable) and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
Decrease of marginal leakage of GIC restorations were demonstrated on enamel margine in cavity with conditioning.
Different endodontic sealers like ethoxy benzoic acid (EBA), glass ionomer cement (GIC), AH 26 root canal sealer and zinc phosphate cement were used to determine their shear strength.3 Glass Ionomer cements (GICs) were initially introduced to dentistry by Wilson and Kent and to orthodontics by White.3