GICDGladstone Institute of Cardiovascular Disease (San Francisco, CA)
GICDGroupe International Cotrel Dubousset
GICDGardeners in Community Development (Richardson, TX)
GICDGauteng Institute for Curriculum Development (Zambia)
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GICD director Deepak Srivastava and colleagues were able to directly reprogram heart cells called fibroblasts to become beating heart cells called cardiomyocytes.
London, July 6 (ANI): Taking a big leap towards finding a treatment of vascular diseases, a team led by an Indian-origin scientist at the Gladstone Institute of Cardiovascular Disease (GICD) has discovered a key switch that makes stem cells turn into the type of muscle cells that reside in the wall of blood vessels.
Washington, Feb 15 (ANI): A team of researchers at the Gladstone Institutes of Cardiovascular Disease (GICD) has discovered that an enzyme linked to the synthesis of fat in the body is also an element in healthy skin and hair.