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Guaranteed Investment Contract

A pension plan purchased through a bank or an insurance company for a lump sum in which the principal is guaranteed by the issuer. One may receive payments from a GIC either in installments or as a lump sum after retirement. A GIC provides the pensioner with a small interest rate that is not guaranteed, but the fact that the principal is guaranteed makes it a relatively low-risk investment.
Farlex Financial Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All Rights Reserved


Wall Street Words: An A to Z Guide to Investment Terms for Today's Investor by David L. Scott. Copyright © 2003 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. All rights reserved.

Guaranteed investment contract (GIC).

A guaranteed investment contract, or GIC (pronounced gick), promises to preserve your principal and to provide a fixed rate of return when you begin to withdraw from the contract, typically after you retire.

You can invest in a GIC through a salary reduction plan, such as a 401(k) or 403(b) sponsored by your employer, provided that investment option is offered.

Because of their fixed rates, GICs are vulnerable to inflation. And you may have to pay a penalty if you decide to change from a GIC to a different investment.

Insurance companies that offer GICs assume the risk that the rate they earn on their investments will outperform the rates they've guaranteed on the GICs.

Dictionary of Financial Terms. Copyright © 2008 Lightbulb Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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S&R Associates acted as legal advisor to IRB and Nishith Desai Associates acted as legal advisor to GIC.
Commenting on the agreement, Ahmed Jasim Al Zaabi, Group Director Finance and Investment at ADNOC said: "We are delighted that GIC, one of the world's most renowned sovereign wealth funds and a leading long-term global investor, has joined KKR, BlackRock and the Abu Dhabi Pensions Fund in this pioneering investment in select ADNOC oil pipelines."
The innovative leasing investment structure has seen GIC and other top-tier global and domestic institutional investors deploy long-term capital into ADNOC's key infrastructure assets.
This follow-on investment agreement will see GIC acquire a six per cent stake in a newly formed entity, Adnoc Oil Pipelines, with BlackRock and KKR together holding 40 percent, ADRPBF three percent and Adnoc the remaining 51 percent.
GIC is a global investment firm established in 1981 to manage Singapore's foreign reserves.
In 2017, Citizens piloted the GIC program post-Hurricane Irma and reported it was able to speed up the claims process by several weeks.
In May last year, GIC acquired a direct stake in BPI after receiving 45.63 million shares from Arran Investment Pte Ltd.
Fitch's assessment of a 'moderate' propensity to support is based on the absence of callable capital and GIC's modest share of financing in the region.
Conventional GIC is able to penetrate the smear layer through a self-etching process and affect a bond to the under laying enamel.
GICs possess many properties such as forming chemical bonds with enamel, dentin, metal and plastic through the affinity of calcium in tooth structure to carboxylate groups in the reacted GIC.
THE country's largest real estate firm DLF sold about 50- per cent stake each in two of its upcoming projects in the Capital to Singapore's sovereign wealth fund GIC for ` 1,990 crore on Wednesday.