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British and Irish government securities. Blue Chip.
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Gilt Edged Bond

A private-issued, investment grade bond. Only blue chip companies issue gilt edged bonds and, for that reason, they have high ratings. Gilt edged bonds are considered sufficiently low-risk that the law allows banks to invest in them. In addition to being low-risk, investment-grade bonds are low-return, greatly reducing the cost on the issuer. They are considered the next safest bond to a Treasury security.
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Gilts were the only asset to do well in the credit crunch.
"So it could be a while yet before we reach calmer waters." So, how do pension scheme managers reduce the risk to their funds at a time when the traditional safe haven of gilts is not a viable option because of such low yields?
27 July 2010 - Goldman Sachs (NYSE:GS), Deutsche Bank (ETR:DBK), HSBC (LON:HSBA) and the Royal Bank of Scotland (LON:RBS) have helped UK Debt Management Office (DMO) sell GBP6bn (USD9.3bn/EUR7.18bn) in index-linked gilts, Reuters reported.
Investors have clearly taken fright, and while the Bank of England's programme to buy gilts offers some support in the short term, it is only a temporary fix: when the Bank decides to exit this programme it, too, will become another major source of gilts for quite some time.
Announcing a quantitative easing programme, the bank had said that it would spend GBP75bn purchasing gilts and other assets with newly created money to combat recession, and that the bulk of the amount would be spent on gilts.
19 April 2010 - Indian credit rating agency CRISIL kept at P1+ the rating on the INR2.5bn (USD56m/EUR42m) short-term debt (STD) programme of local financial investments company PNB Gilts Ltd (BOM:532366).
Chris Impey, from Tonyrefail - who won Pig of the Year 2008 with one of his Berkshire gilts - collected champion Berkshire, male and female breed champion, and reserve traditional breed champion.
Corporate bonds, due to the economic uncertainty and therefore the possibility of default, have a significantly higher yield over similarly dated gilts. To reduce the risk with the potential loss of some control over redemption, a good corporate bond fund can offer an attractive rate of interest at around 5.5 per cent gross and reasonable liquidity.
The Debt Management Office (DMO) - which sells the gilts to raise money on behalf of the state - said it had failed to attract enough bidders for its latest issue.
The Bank of England's strategy of printing more cash and buying back gilts may have helped improve asset prices in recent weeks but also had a distorting influence on pension liabilities, the firm said.
The DMO was selling pounds 1.75bn of Treasury gilts maturing in 2049, but attracted bids worth just pounds 1.63bn.