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Gilt Edged Bond

A private-issued, investment grade bond. Only blue chip companies issue gilt edged bonds and, for that reason, they have high ratings. Gilt edged bonds are considered sufficiently low-risk that the law allows banks to invest in them. In addition to being low-risk, investment-grade bonds are low-return, greatly reducing the cost on the issuer. They are considered the next safest bond to a Treasury security.
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A bond issued through the United Kingdom Treasury and guaranteed by the British government. The market for gilt-edged securities is similar to the market for U.S. Treasury securities, with a high degree of safety, liquidity, and maturity selection.
Wall Street Words: An A to Z Guide to Investment Terms for Today's Investor by David L. Scott. Copyright © 2003 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. All rights reserved.
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Gilts have moved from a 5.1% starting yield to one of 4% now.
Standing reserve was an Oxford Sandy and Black gilt from Dennis Ballard, Wiltshire.
Rue La La and Gilt, operating under the newly formed Rue Gilt Groupe, will leverage an advanced technology platform that combines leading capabilities in mobile and personalisation.
The ICE Gilt market provides comprehensive coverage of the UK sovereign curve, including short, medium, long and ultra long contracts, which provide effective tools to manage price risk for UK debt exposure as well as basis trading opportunities across the curve.
This paper argues that the Bank of England's independence in monetary policy has been compromised as a result of quantitative easing (QE) and makes practical suggestions for restoring it as far as possible, by transferring the gilts that the Bank has bought to the Debt Management Office of the Treasury and thereby shrinking the Bank's balance sheet The paper discusses the problems that will arise when QE is unwound and suggests that they would be less intractable if the unwinding were managed by the Debt Management Office.
The effects of rearing system (C and SC) and gender (barrows and gilts) on growth and carcass traits were analyzed by the General Linear Model procedure.
The Bank snapped up PS1.17bn of so-called gilts as part of its new quantitative easing (QE) programme to help cushion the blow of the Brexit vote.
The scale of the problem has deteriorated since the Brexit vote because it pushed up the cost of buying the Government bonds, known as gilts.
On the UK's ten-year gilt the yield fell below 1.25% for the first time, while the yield on the equivalent in Germany also declined to a record low.
Alexis Maybank, co-founder of pioneering e-commerce site Gilt, saw the power of social media early on as millions of visitors arrived from Instagram and Pinterest to browse luxury products they saw there.