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ISO 4217 code for the German goldmark, which was the currency of Germany between its unification in 1873 and the end of World War I. It was based on gold, but it replaced the Vereinsthaler, which was based on silver. While it circulated, it was called simply the mark; the name goldmark was invented later to distinguish it from later German currencies.
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References in periodicals archive ?
Mohd Zahir, 36, a commando with the country's elite GGK special forces, was killed after he was accidentally shot during a military demonstration as part of the launch of the Malaysian Fifth Infantry Division and the 13th Malaysian Infantry Brigade exhibition at the camp yesterday morning.
The range of firms AmEx has acquired is broad, from $200,000 in revenue up to its largest, GGK. The deals involve cash rather than stock in AmEx.
Gerry Golub, former managing partner of GGK, has no complaints.
It was a bold move by GGK managing partner Gerry 1.
While developing a protocol for TBS and the new GGK LIP partnership to follow, the State Education Department's Office of the Professions realized that its only jurisdiction over the CPA profession was in the area of financial statement services.
(14.) Clarke RW, Coull B, Reinisch U, Catalano P, Killingsworth CR, Koutrakis P, Kavouras I, Murthy GGK, Lawrence J, Lovett E, et al.