Get hit

Get hit

Go lower in price, when bids in the stock or market are hit, causing those bids to vanish and be replaced by lower ones. Come in. Antithesis of on the take.
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Get Hit

Informal; to decline in price or to lose on an investment. Stocks can get hit for any number of reasons, whether technical or fundamental.
Farlex Financial Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All Rights Reserved
References in classic literature ?
"They begin by clodding him; and they laugh themselves to pieces to see him try to dodge one clod and get hit with another?"
"The questions like who is the bowler on the other end, who was the last wicket, are asked by the doctor when we get hit on the head," he added.
"If you're going to pitch successfully in this ballpark you have to pitch inside, and some guys are going to get hit."
But as we have seen in a few cases around the world any bowler has the chance to get hit".
You never like seeing anyone get hit like that, that's for sure.
"I'm not saying that if I go back and if I get hit that will be fine, but seeing how these guys deal with it gives you that feeling of, 'Right, if I do go back and get hit, then I hope I end up like these guys'."
The children who were on the cell phone and were distracted during their crossing were significantly more likely to get hit by a car in the virtual environment, study author Katherine Byington, a doctoral candidate in psychology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, said at the time of the April presentation.
"The main thing is to hit Joe and not get hit back - and I'm good at not getting hit.