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In Bhutan, a political subdivision equivalent to a municipality.
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Farmers in parts of Radhi Gewog in Trashigang are worried by the acute water shortage of irrigation hampering their paddy cultivation works.
For the elections of the National Council (NC), the upper house of Bhutan's bicameral Parliament, each gewog, a block of some thirteen villages, can nominate one male and one female candidate to contest elections that are held at dzongkhags (a district comprising 205 gewogs) level.
However, the performance audit report on grant funded (GDG) in 2016 and also the ACC annual reports have pointed out that inadequate human resources have resulted in poor quality and delay of the gewog development.
The government of Bhutan has unveiled the country's largest irrigation channel in Yoeseltse Gewog in Samtse, the largest rice-producing district of Bhutan.
In 2009, when the Forestry Extension Officer, Tshering Cheda, was transferred in the gewog, he found that bamboo was in plentiful supply in the community but a fewer people were involved in commercial bamboo craft.
The Gewog AgricultureExtension Supervisor,Sonam Tshering saidthe project has broughtimportant changes in thelife of farmers includingeconomic development ofrural livelihoods.
Covering an area of 230 square kilometres, each gewog is further divided into a chios, also known as a chiwog.
Water shortage in Kanglung will finally be resolved with the construction of two water treatment plants in the gewog nearing completion by July end.
Some other pledges already fulfilled by the governments are the initiation of a meet-the-people program, tabling of the Right to Information Bill, starting the Nu2M annual grant to every gewog, cutting down on the government's wasteful expenditure and providing free electricity to rural homes.
Gomdar Gup, Sonam Tshewang said that widening work at Narphung has not only affected the GC road but it has also damaged the water sources causing water shortage in the gewog. 'Workers at the site are using the gewog road as a dumping pit and have made the road non-pliable,' said the gup.