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A currency code for the Guernsey pound. Because Guernsey is a British Crown dependency, it is in a monetary union with the United Kingdom. As a result, a Guernsey pound is equivalent to a British pound. This code is not recognized by the ISO.
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The purpose of this is to provide information about the GGP scheme and discuss the important points of a sustainable GGP project among participants.
At present, GGP has implemented 543 grassroots projects in the country.
As the country's top ODA donor, the government of Japan launched the GGP in the Philippines in 1989 for the purpose of reducing poverty and helping various communities engage in grassroots activities.
India is one of the major beneficiaries of the GGP scheme, through which the Japanese Government has been providing schools, medical facilities and equipment and others to various organisations of India, the envoy remarked.
In the transaction, GGP shareholders were entitled to elect to receive, for each GGP common share, either USD 23.50 in cash or either one BPY unit or one share of a new BPY US REIT security, subject to proration based on aggregate cash consideration of USD 9.25 bn.
The struggle is nothing new for GGP, which underwent the largest real estate bankruptcy to date in 2009, only to be bailed out by Brookfield and a consortium of other investors.
GGP's award-winning Water-Tek product reduces the amount of fresh water required to dilute high salinity brines in oilfield production.
Recently, the Government of Japan has extended a grant of US$120,120 (approximately Rs13 million) to Aman Health Care Services (AHCS) for 'The Project for the Deployment of Aman Advanced Life Support Ambulances in Bin Qasim Town, Karachi, Sindh' under its Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP) scheme.
AAAI congratulations the winner of this year's General Game Playing (GGP) Competition, Sam Schreiber, whose TurboTurtle defeated Hilmar Finsson's CadiaPlayer, reversing the result of last year.
16 September 2013 -- Chicago-based REIT General Growth Properties Inc (NYSE: GGP) said it acquired 28,345,108 of its common shares during the third quarter of 2013 through September 12 2013.
The Embassy of Japan in Pretoria funded three educational projects in Namibia through the Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP) grants.