Gideon Bible

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Gideon Bible

(Bible) a Bible purchased by members of a Christian organization (Gideons International) and placed in a hotel room, hospital ward, etc
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Millions of American soldiers during World War II were given a special edition of the Gideon Bible, which contained a prologue written for them by President Franklin D.
Since that day I have taken to carrying a detachable, starched collar and Gideon Bible in my glove box.
I WAS concerned to discover that the Gideon Bible is being removed from student accommodation and Travelodge.
To add insult to injury, someone had scrawled on the inside cover of my Gideon Bible: "Judas did it."
"The one thing I have learned from A Queer and Pleasant Danger is surprising--the more I write about my own life in detail, the more diverse my readership becomes." I think replacing the Gideon Bible in every hotel room with A Queer and Pleasant Danger would be a good start.
To many, hotels mean a gateway to hedonism: a space to indulge your Hotel California fantasies which, more often than not, actually means drinking four miniatures from the minibar of an Ibis, feeling woozy and nicking off the following day with a towel and a Gideon Bible.
London, July 14 ( ANI ): Encouraged by the growing demand of 'Fifty Shades of Grey' an enterprising hotel manager has decided to replace the Gideon Bible with copies of the racy best-seller.
Kurt Vonnegut famously dissected why his dog wasn't a humanist and had the audience rolling in the aisles when he quipped that his dearly deceased comrade Isaac Asimov was "in heaven now" PZ Myers tore a page from a Gideon Bible he'd taken from his hotel room to point out just how thin the story creationists hold up against the whole edifice of evolutionary science really is, and Ted Turner shared his amazement that he was still alive after the things he'd said about birth control and overpopulation ("who knows, when you pick up a paper tomorrow, I may not be" he joked).
For 'Orrible Osborne, the Chancellor, I've picked up a Gideon Bible, on which he can swear before squeaking out his fantasy predictions of jobs and economic growth.
Hotel staff refused their request for a refund and they left, but not before Garthley had stuffed a Gideon Bible and a bath sheet in his bag.