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1. a stone or boulder
2. of or relating to a dry flat area of land covered with wind-polished stones
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
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Those marines tough but artillery, re-supply to survive David Rumney That ensured we could not change our mind and left our highlytrained pilots and ground crews gibbering with rage as it was the perfect aircraft for our limited needs.
Get trapped next to one of those on the 5.15pm from Kings Cross to Wakefield and you could arrive in Yorkshire a gibbering wreck if you hadn't attempted murder before you reached Doncaster.
It was perhaps telling that one of the few moments of genuine fun and horror was from someone of the previous generation - a very drunk Damon Albarn from Blur and Gorillaz gibbering about Brexit.
Writer Salman Rushdie was among those who praised Dylan's win, but Irvine Welsh, who wrote Trainspotting, described the decision as "an ill conceived nostalgia award wrenched from the rancid prostates of senile, gibbering hippies".
Well, turns out With A Little Help From My Fwends is the most offensively poor, gibbering pile of nonsense I've heard in my life.
This is one of two weeks during a year when someone who ordinarily is a sensible sort of chap, turns into a gibbering wreck at the very mention of the match.
I once saw a top medical doctor reduced to a gibbering wreck when a medical student asked him how to tell if a patient was ticklish.
It may be a little old school in places but still has that heart-pounding special something that will have you gibbering on the edge of your seat.
Some end up looking like gibbering idiots and fail while others don't and thrive.
THE mere sight of Davina McCall can reduce me to a gibbering, weeping mess these days.
However, Pattinson lacks sexual chemistry with any of his co-stars, making a mockery of his anti-hero's ability to reduce lovers to swooning, gibbering wrecks.
Nervous flyers will be reduced to sweaty, gibbering wrecks by this four-part series which features footage of some of the most white-knuckle touchdowns you've ever seen.