Gibbon, John

Gibbon, John

Gibbon, John, 1827–96, Union general in the Civil War, b. near Holmesburg (now part of Philadelphia), Pa., grad. West Point, 1847. Made a brigadier general of volunteers (1862), he fought in the second battle of Bull Run, at South Mt., at Antietam, and in the Wilderness campaign (1864). After the war he fought in the Indian wars in the West. He commanded one of the columns that moved against the Sioux in 1876. The next year he fought an inconclusive battle with the Nez Percés at Big Hole in W Montana. He wrote Personal Recollections of the Civil War, which was published posthumously in 1928.
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References in periodicals archive ?
However, Inter's front four of Liam Gibbon, John Conheeney, Dean Wharam and Ryan soon started to cause havoc in the Delius half.
Keith Gibbon, John's boss throughout his career, said: "He was very, very extroverted and he could laugh for ever and would be telling jokes to you all day long.
Gibbon, John, Personal Recollections of the Civil War.
Dignan (2), Sykes (2) and Hill did the damage for Bull, with Liam Gibbon, John Conheeney and Kieron Ryan replying for Inter.