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Related to gibberellin: abscisic acid, auxin, cytokinin


Any member of a family of naturally derived compounds which have a gibbane skeleton and a broad spectrum of biological activity but are noted as plant growth regulators.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Effect of gibberellin on yield and fruit quality of Recel UzUmU table grapes
Plants in which the cells in the meristem were made to express a mutant version of the growth-repressing protein GAI not degraded by gibberellin showed disrupted cell proliferation.
It appears that several of these compounds act by blocking the synthesis of gibberellin. Others may act as antiauxins, and in fact several possibilities exist for counteracting the effects of hormones.
No reports were found that correlate the proline synthesis with the gibberellin signalling that allow us to explain the results obtained.
Oh E, Yamaguchi S, Kamiya Y, Bae G, Chung WII, Choi G (2006) Light activates the degradation of PIL5 protein to promote seed germination through gibberellin in Arabidopsis.
Plant hormones in arbuscular mycorrhizal symbioses: an emerging role for gibberellins. Ann.
For example, the gibberellin absorption by the leaves might by stimulated by temperatures inferior to 32 [degrees]C and absence of biotic or abiotic stress (Yamaguchi, 2008), and in the course of the experiment temperatures over 31 [degrees]C were registered with a certain constancy (Figure 1).
Our results support the concept that the growth promotion in plants induced by Azospirillum infection may occur by a combination of both gibberellin production and gibberellin glucoside or glucosyl ester de-conjugation by the bacterium (Piccoli et al.
Experiment was conducted according to split-split plot design with threefactors, The main factor is the water quality (1.2 dS.m-1 represented river water (W1) & 6 dS.m-1 represented saline water (W2), the second factor (sub- plot) is the poultry fertilization levels with 10% (O1) &30% (O2), The third factor (sub-sub-plot) is gibberellin levels with (0, 250 mg/liter)The Gibberellin 0% (G1) & the 250 mg/liter (G2.), the data were analyzed statistically with Genstat discovery software.