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Related to gibbered: savaged, prattles


1. a stone or boulder
2. of or relating to a dry flat area of land covered with wind-polished stones
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
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He gibbered his own rage and hurt, and, stooping, dealt Jerry a tremendous blow alongside the head and neck.
Julie Kenny, of Liverpool, whose hubby Garry gibbered about the pickles, said he also snored, adding: "So I'm lucky to get any sleep."
You name one celebrity since who has been on any reality show and hasn't cried, snivelled, sobbed, called for their mother, gibbered, foamed at the mouth, chewed at the carpet" Vanessa Feltz on her appearance on Big Brother "Sex was what held me in bed and got me out of it again in the morning.