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Sir Frederick. 1908--84, British architect and town planner. His buildings include the Liverpool Roman Catholic cathedral (1960--67) and the Regent's Park Mosque in London (1977). Harlow in the U.K. and Santa Teresa in Venezuela were built to his plans
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
It acknowledged that the association with Sir Frederick Gibberd added some historic interest to The Square but that was not sufficient to merit listing.
"The building is associated with the renowned architect, Sir Frederick Gibberd and is a good example of an Art Decoinspired 1930s detached house."
Gibberd (2015) developed the Built Environment Sustainability Tool (BEST).
Aaron Martin and Luke Gibberd scored tries for Street but that wasn't enough to stop them from suffering a fourth loss in their last six games.
(14.) Wilson RM, Runciman WB, Gibberd RW, Harrison BT, Newby L, Hamilton JD.
[26.] Agho KE, Dibley MJ, D'Este C and R Gibberd Factors associated with haemoglobin concentration among Timor-Leste children aged 6-59 months.
Gibberd. 2010 "Vine vigour effects on leaf gas exchange and resource utilisation." Aus.
Braithwaite J., Greenfield D., Westbrook J., Pawsey M., Westbrook M., Gibberd R., Naylor J., Nathan S., Robinson M., Runciman B., Jackson M., Travaglia J., Johnston B., Yen D., McDonald H., Low L., Redman S., Johnson B., Corbett A., Hennessy D., Clark J.
(4.) Wilson RM, Runciman WB, Gibberd RW, Harrisson BT, Newby L, Hamilton JD.
Forum speakers including, Betty Dion from Canada and currently serving as past president of GTES, Akiko Ito of Japan, Mohammed Tarawnedh of Jordan, Shuaib Chalkken of South Africa, Soren Ginnerup from Denmark, KC Deepak, Nepal Ahmed El Rida, Libya, Robert Topping, Canada, Amanda Gibberd, South Africa, Eoin O'Herlihy, Ireland, Joseph Kwan, Hong Kong, Monika Anna Klenovee, Austria, Mohammad Aqeel, Japan, Jorge Fernando Plano, Argentina and others.