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1. Grinling. 1648--1721, English sculptor and woodcarver, noted for his delicate carvings of fruit, flowers, birds, etc.
2. Orlando. 1583--1625, English organist and composer, esp of anthems, motets, and madrigals
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



(Hylobatidae), a family of small anthropoid apes of the order Primates.

The arms of gibbons are exceptionally long (span to 2 m). Cheek pouches and tail are absent. There are small ischial callosities. There are two genera—the gibbons proper (Hylobates), including six species, and the larger siamangs or syn-dactyl gibbons (Symphalangus), represented by the single species S. syndactylus, which have a cutaneous membrane joining the second and third toes. The length of the male’s body in the gibbons proper is 40-64 cm and the weight, from 4 to 8 kg. The siamang male is 47-60 cm long and weighs 9.5-12.5 kg (sometimes up to 20 kg). Sexual dimorphism is not pronounced. The hair is thick, and it varies greatly in color from gray or yellowish brown to (in the black gibbon and the siamang, for example) black. Gibbons are found in southern China, Indochina, the islands of Sumatra, Java, and Kalimantan. The siamangs are native to Sumatra and the Malacca Peninsula (in the state of Selangor). All gibbons live in trees, where they move about with great facility and speed. They throw themselves from branch to branch, at distances up to 10-12 m, using their arms alone (brachiation), or they run across the branches on their legs, balancing themselves with their arms, as they do on the ground. They often stay in pairs or in small groups of six, although sometimes these groups may consist of up to 20 or 30 individuals. They feed on fruits, leaves, buds, flowers, insects, bird eggs and nestlings. Gibbons do not make nests; they sleep in the thick foliage in the branches. The gibbon’s cry, especially that of the black gibbon and the siamang, which has large laryngeal sacs, is very loud. Gestation lasts from 210 to 235 days. The young are born at any time of the year. They reach sexual maturity when five to ten years old, and the life-span is 30 to 35 years. Gibbons are relatively uncommon in zoos.


The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Gibbons said he takes offense at the way his foundation's role in the cancellation is being characterized.
Gibbons first joined The Kinks, known for hits including Waterloo Sunset, 15 years after they found mainstream success.
But no, retirement is not on the table yet, as far as Gibbons sees it.
Gibbons did not mention anything about blood testing.
When police retrieved the scooter from an alleyway the next day, they also found an axe and a meat cleaver, bearing Gibbons' DNA.
In April 1990, Gibbons rejoined the firm, which at that time was named Crummy, Del Deo, Dolan, Griffinger & Vecchione, and would become known as Gibbons, Del Deo, Dolan, Griffinger & Vecchione in 1997, and then Gibbons PC in 2007.
He said the number of yellow-cheeked crested gibbons have not increased in recent years, prompting WCS to work in partnership with a local community on an eco-tourism project aimed at conserving the species.
Analysis of the gibbon bones shows that the found remains are very unique to contemporary gibbons, suggesting a new genus and species.
Gibbons Pools is proud to provide new pool and spa construction, pool remodeling, pool service and maintenance to customers and looks forward to continued success creating more beautiful backyards for homeowners in Long Island, Islandia and the surrounding areas.
Wichgers had her serves working, and Gibbons was happy for the support on the right side, saying, "She's always there to get everything I can't."
But on September 25 last year, hours after 'frightened' Linda decided to take out a restraining order against him, Gibbons broke into the house.