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slang Nonsense or foolishness. His explanation is just jibber-jabber and doesn't answer the question at all. Who cares what the tabloids say about us? It's all just jibber-jabber anyway.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.


n. nonsense; gossip and chatter. There sure is a lot of gibber-gabber coming from your room, Jimmy.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
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References in periodicals archive ?
He tweeted: "I'm a Dylan fan but this is an ill-conceived nostalgia award wrenched from the rancid prostates of senile, gibbering hippies."
IT'S been called the impossible job and looking at former England manager Roy Hodgson 'all of a quiver' during his press conference following the shock 2-1 defeat to Iceland in Euro 2016 it was easy to see why it can turn seemingly sane men into gibbering wrecks.
Yet when Mr Lotti starts gibbering, they might just pine a little for those earthier days when hefty cult heroes like Jamie Pollock and Andy Morrison might have benefited from some limegreen go-faster stripes.
That's the quickest way to make your legs turn to jelly and turn you into a gibbering wreck.
Because I am en evil masochist, I enjoy watching otherwise decent, sensible folk turn into gibbering wrecks at the thought of losing to 'them.' This is why football is the greatest of all sports.
Remember Jonathan Ross was reduced to a gibbering wreck by her bumping and grinding.
He said: "I'm like a gibbering wreck in front of him."
I've lost my voice shouting at he TV screen and the results how tomorrow always leaves me a gibbering fool waiting to hear if local hopeful Lauren Samuels has survived to sing nother week.
What I got instead was this puffy-faced, hungover-looking Cockney blathering on about "them mob up there" and gibbering in amazement at every mentalist with grainy footage of a lit-up night bus top deck that hewas trying to pass off as a close encounter of the third kind.
This is the first and best outing for Eastwood''s police inspector, in which he tramples on the American Constitution to bring gibbering psycho Andrew Robinson to justice.
WHAT an inspiration the X Factor was last week - win and you can come back a nervous, gibbering wreck like Leon.
Adding to Roger's misery, he is a gibbering wreck around his beautifulneighbour, Amanda (Jacinda Barrett).
Adding to Roger's misery, he is a gibbering wreck around women, and doesn't know how to chat-up his beautiful neighbour Amanda ...
But then he began sobbing and gibbering lest he might not know the answer to a question that could win him pounds 17,500.
Fortunately, last night, a packed out St David's Hall experienced the latter as comedy's man of the moment Peter Kay reduced us to gibbering idiots with our sides well and truly split.