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a wooden structure resembling a gallows, from which the bodies of executed criminals were formerly hanged to public view.
Collins Dictionary of Law © W.J. Stewart, 2006
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La Ramee uttered a cry of horror and rushed toward the gibbet, which he broke at once and threw the pieces out of the window.
As thou hast been his bad angel, so shall I try to be his good angel, and when all is said and done and Norman of Torn swings from the King's gibbet, as I only too well fear he must, there will be more to mourn his loss than there be to curse him.
And now, the sun's first beams came glancing into the street; and the night's work, which, in its various stages and in the varied fancies of the lookers-on had taken a hundred shapes, wore its own proper form--a scaffold, and a gibbet.
And it would be ten times better for your uncle (to go no farther afield) if he were dangling decently upon a gibbet."