gift tax

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Related to gift tax: inheritance tax, Form 709

gift tax

n. Federal tax on large gifts. Gifts to members of a family may be up to $10,000 a year to each plus a life-time $30,000 in gifts without tax. Several states also impose gift taxes. As with all tax questions, professional assistance in gift tax planning is vital.

Copyright © 1981-2005 by Gerald N. Hill and Kathleen T. Hill. All Right reserved.
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Here, Mona's $20,000 would be partially covered by the $15,000 exclusion, so only $5,000 will have gift tax consequences.
Davida and Theo are 60 and 56 years old, respectively, and would like to avoid exhausting their remaining gift tax exemptions too soon while receiving some value for Theo's Beantown membership interest and excluding the appreciation from their estate.
Gift tax revenues were investigated by dynamic time series (absolute increase and rate of growth).
shall be applied and administered to years, estates, gifts and transfers [after December 31, 2012,] as if the provisions and amendments in [this actj had never been enacted." The effect of the sunset would be that the lifetime exclusion for gift tax purposes would revert to the 2002 level of $1 million, and the top tax rate would become 55%.
Life insurance can help replace your estate and gift tax liabilities.
8, 2000, Morgens gifted her income interest from one of the trusts to the remainder interest beneficiaries, resulting in a deemed transfer with a gift tax liability of $2,287,309, which, due to a prior agreement, was paid by the trustees of that trust.
Therefore, the $240,000 of income the trust will earn ($400,000 x 60%), will be reported on your tax return costing you approximately $100,000 in income taxes, further reducing your estate with no gift tax implications.
In the course of its gift tax study, SOI collected data from Federal gift tax returns filed by individuals who gave gifts during 1997 and reported those gifts to IRS in 1998.
gift tax? According to Internal Revenue Code Section 2511, the gift or transfer is taxable if it involves a gratuitous transfer of real or tangible personal property located within the United States at the time of the transfer.