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Related to Gestation: culdoscope, Fetal development

GESTATION, med. jur. The time during which a female, who has conceived, carries the embryo or foetus in her uterus. By the common consent of mankind, the term of gestation is considered to be ten lunar months, or forty weeks, equal to nine calendar months and a week. This period has been adopted, because general observation, when it could be correctly made, has proved its correctness. Cyclop. of Pract. Med. vol. 4, p. 87, art. Succession of inheritance. But this may vary one, two, or three weeks. Co. Litt. 123 b, Harg. & Butler's, note 190*; Ryan's Med. Jurisp. 121; Coop. Med. Jur: 18; Civ. Code of Louis. art. 203-211; 1 Beck's Med. Jur. 478. See Pregnancy.

A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856.
References in periodicals archive ?
To better understand the unique relationship between maternal Alzheimer's disease and risk in her offspring, Dr Pratico and his colleagues looked at maternal fat intake specifically during the gestation period in mice engineered to develop Alzheimer's disease.
[USA], Aug 27 (ANI): A recent study has revealed that a high-fat diet during gestation guards the fetus against changes in the brain that may lead to Alzheimer's disease later.
For the complete gestation and calving calendar, refer to the Seeds of Gold Magazine in the Saturday Nation of Saturday, August 10, 2019.
Compared with term/postterm infants, early preterm (23 to 33 weeks of gestation) and late preterm (34 to 36 weeks of gestation) infants had a lower rate of seven-vaccine series completion.
According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, full-term pregnancy is described as a period from the beginning of week 39 to the end of week 41 of gestation. Early term pregnancy is from the start of week 37 through the end of week 38 and late term begins from week 42.
This process begins in the final stage of gestation and continues during the initial period of lactation, where the growth of the pregnant uterus negatively influences rumen size and dry matter intake (1).
All subjects were in 15th-18th week of gestation with no co morbidity or any significant chronic disease.
Five experimental diets containing different levels of RSM (0%, 3%, 6%, 9%, and 12%) were provided to sows during gestation. During lactation all sows were fed a common diet without RSM supplementation after farrowing regardless of the gestation treatments.
There is general agreement that women with a singleton gestation and a prior spontaneous preterm birth should be offered 17-OHPC, and that women with a singleton gestation and a midtrimester shortened cervical length should be offered vaginal progesterone and not 17-OHPC.
The incidence of triplet and higher order multifetal gestation is rising since 1980, primarily due to the increasingly widespread availability of infertility therapies and postponing conception to older age [1].
Several strategies involving PGF treatment have been previously described (reviewed by De RENSIS, (2012)), which clearly support that gestation in the sow is dependent on progesterone secreted from corpora lutea until the onset of parturition.
This study aimed to explore a reliable method to assess cortical sulcus and to describe the normal sonographic features of cortical sulcus development in the human fetus between 18 and 41 weeks of gestation. Methods: A cross-sectional study was designed to examine the fetal cortical sulcus development at 18–41 weeks of gestation.