Gift inter vivos

Also found in: Financial.

GIFT INTER Vivos. A gift made from one or more persons, without any prospect of immediate death, to one or more others.
     2. These gifts are so called to distinguish them from gifts causa- mortis, (vide Donatio causa mortise,) from which they differ essentially. 1. A gift inter vivos, when completed by delivery, passes the title to the thing so that it cannot be recovered back by the giver; the gift causa mortis is always given upon the implied condition that the giver may, at any time during his life, revoke it. 7 Taunt. 231; 3 Binn. 366. 2. A gift inter vivos may be made by the giver at any time; the donatio causa mortis must be made by the donor while in peril of death. In both cases there must be a delivery. 2 Kent's Com. 354; 1 Beav. R. 605; 1 Miles, R. 109.

A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856.
References in periodicals archive ?
is would usually be a combination of seven year term "assurance, and what is known as "Gift Inter Vivos" Insurance.
1932), that "the degree of proof necessary to invalidate a will is much greater than that required to set aside a gift inter vivos."
Clearly if money is tied up in property or in trusts it is not easy to extract it and therefore it would be wise to consider what is known as Gift Inter Vivos Insurance.