gifts and loans

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Country: Lebanon
State: All States/Provinces

I meet a man 3 years ago in UAE.over the years I gave him a lot of money. as well has he got some jewelleries from me. in July we got married under Islamic law. I live in UK and he is in Lebanon. All 2-3 month i fly out. He finally send me an fax where he admitted to have taken money from me as a loan. He promised me to give it back to me end of December. I still did not get my jewelleries.I am flying out to Beirut on 28/12 for 8 days. If he does not pays me back and does not gives me back my jewelleries what chance do I have to get it back. How do I go ahead? I am worried and scared.


You could indeed sue him if he  fails to pay you--
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References in periodicals archive ?
There are tax implications with both gifts and loans.
A trust has a number of bene?ts over both outright gifts and loans. A gift into trust made seven years before death reduces the value of a parent's estate on death, the same as an outright gift, reducing inheritance tax liabilities.
The 1938 reports of the New York State Constitutional Convention Committee, commonly known as the Poletti Report, has divided pre-1846 gifts and loans to private enterprises into two periods: "moderate subsidizing" between 1790 and 1816 and "very extensive and highly speculative subsidizing" between 1816 and 1846.
The voters approved the constitution, (73) but the lack of a prohibition on gifts and loans of credit by local governments would prove to be a significant omission.
(145) Since 1846, the constitution had proscribed gifts or loans of credit to "corporations," and the Committee on State Finances and Revenues expressed the view that this change would clarify what was already believed: that the prohibition against gifts and loans of credit would include assistance to municipal as well as private corporations.
The voters approved two amendments in 1959, adding further exemptions to the general prohibition against gifts and loans of local money.
Beginning in the 1950s, there have been numerous suggestions for substantial revision of the state and municipal prohibitions against gifts and loans of money and credit.
When parents are asked to help their children financially, they frequently respond with gifts and loans. Sometimes, the loans may be to businesses the children own.
In Flandreau, the court based its decision against the estate on the following factors: (1) the gifts and loans were contemporaneous transactions; (2) the gift and loan amounts were identical; (3) the promissory note terms were such that the decedent was practically relieved of repayment obligations during life; and (4) nothing existed to demonstrate full and adequate consideration for the loans.
The contemporaneous nature of the gifts and loans was clearly part of a single transaction.