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on official documents, issued or executed, as on a stated date.
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References in classic literature ?
I can hardly imagine any occurrence which could have given me more genuine satisfaction than the receipt of this draft.
Meanwhile Telemachus was furious about the blow that had been given to his father, and though no tear fell from him, he shook his head in silence and brooded on his revenge.
Every one else has given him something to put in his wallet, but Antinous has hit him on the right shoulder-blade with a footstool."
Cardenio, then, being, as I said, now mad, when he heard himself given the lie, and called a scoundrel and other insulting names, not relishing the jest, snatched up a stone that he found near him, and with it delivered such a blow on Don Quixote's breast that he laid him on his back.
It would seem to have been better, for the first time at least, to have given a shorter sermon, and to have touched upon fewer subjects.
Eliot gave them occasionally an apple or a cake; and the adults were requested to repeat to them the instructions that had been given. He then preached to the assembly in their own language, telling them that he had come to bring them good news from God, and show them how wicked men might become good and happy; and, in general, discoursing on nearly the same topics as he had treated at his first visit.
During a press conference, National History and Literary Heritage Division Secretary Aamir Hasan and PAL Chairman Syed Junaid Akhlaque also announced the National Literary Award for the year 2017, given for the best literary books written during the year in Urdu and other Pakistani languages.
Engineer Aamir Hasan, Secretary National History and Literary Heritage Division and Syed Junaid Akhlaque, Chairman PAL, also announced the National Literary Award for the year 2017, given on the best literary books written during the year in Urdu and other Pakistani languages in a press conference.
And so it is that there are people who give, keeping a list of all they had given, and expecting recompense in return.
Jesus tells us, 'give, and it will be given to you.
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Railways had given its land on 33 points between 2003 and 2018 on 33 years on lease for the establishment of fuel stations and out of the total 11.2874 billion in lease money, it could recover only Rs 900.56 million.