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a wooden structure resembling a gallows, from which the bodies of executed criminals were formerly hanged to public view.
Collins Dictionary of Law © W.J. Stewart, 2006
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"Whether it's afternoon tea at The Almanac, fine dining at the Michelin starred Cross Restaurant, 18 holes at the Warwickshire Golf & Country Club, or Ballet at Warwick Arts Centre, everything is in place for the residents of Gibbet Hill."
The murderer, a William Winter, was hung, drawn and quartered and his remains hung in irons on the gibbet near Elsdon.
Gibbet Hill now includes the farm, the upscale Gibbet Hill Grill restaurant, and The Barn at Gibbet Hill, a special functions hall.
Any suggestion that the good burgers of Halifax introduced a gibbet after discovering Asbos didn''t work, is pure speculation.
He had suggested to the sheriff's bailiff that the hangings should have taken place at the far end of Washwood Heath, by the Wash Brook and Ward End, where the gibbet "would neither have been a nuisance to the inhabitants (as it now is) nor done an injury to any person's property".
Shortland Horne director, Mark Sills said: "Land in the Gibbet Hill area of the city is at a premium so this development has created a lot of interest and we are close to concluding two sales from plan."
I know the Gibbet Road particularly well, and the superb views from Winter's Gibbet, and was appalled to read of the wishes of Air Farmers Ltd to put up their large and ugly windmills in that region (The Journal, August 9).
The attack happened in Gibbet Street, Halifax, shortly after 4.05pm on Thursday, June 19, but details have only now been revealed.
Warwick Arts Centre, the University of Warwick, Gibbet Hill Road, Coventry.
Wind company Air Farmers Ltd is working on a scheme for nine turbines, 125m high, at Elsdon, close to the Grade II listed Winter's Gibbet and directly beside the boundary of Northumberland National Park and the A696.