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tr.v. sur·prised, sur·pris·ing, sur·pris·es
1. To cause to feel wonder, astonishment, or amazement, as at something unanticipated: Thinking I was at home, she was surprised to see me in the office. We were surprised that he could recover so quickly.
a. To encounter or discover suddenly or unexpectedly; take or catch unawares: She surprised him as he was reading her diary.
b. To attack or capture suddenly and without warning: surprised the sentries in a predawn raid, wounding several.
a. To cause (someone) to do or say something unintended or to be in an unintended condition: "There passed a scene ... that surprised me into courage to come forward" (Fanny Burney).
b. To elicit or detect through surprise: "She occasionally surprised a look on Jemima's face" (Marcia Willett).
1. The act of surprising or the condition of being surprised: Imagine my surprise on seeing you here.
2. Something, such as an unexpected encounter, event, or gift, that surprises.

[Middle English surprisen, to overcome, from Old French surprise, feminine past participle of surprendre, to surprise : sur-, sur- + prendre, to take (from Latin prehendere, prēndere, to seize; see ghend- in Indo-European roots).]

sur·pris′er n.
sur·pris′ing·ly adv.
Synonyms: surprise, astonish, amaze, astound, dumbfound, flabbergast
These verbs mean to affect a person strongly as being unexpected or unusual. To surprise is to fill with often sudden wonder or disbelief as being unanticipated or out of the ordinary: "Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity" (George S. Patton).
Astonish suggests overwhelming surprise: The sight of such an enormous crowd astonished us. Amaze implies astonishment and often bewilderment: The violinist's virtuosity has amazed audiences all over the world. Astound connotes shock, as from something unprecedented in one's experience: We were astounded at the beauty of the mountains. Dumbfound adds to astound the suggestion of perplexity and often speechlessness: His question dumbfounded me, and I could not respond. Flabbergast is used as a more colorful equivalent of astound, astonish, or amaze: "He was utterly flabbergasted by the accusation and for a few moments he was quite unable to reply" (Alexander McCall Smith).
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


vb (tr)
1. to cause to feel amazement or wonder
2. to encounter or discover unexpectedly or suddenly
3. to capture or assault suddenly and without warning
4. to present with something unexpected, such as a gift
5. (foll by into) to provoke (someone) to unintended action by a trick, etc: to surprise a person into an indiscretion.
6. (often foll by from) to elicit by unexpected behaviour or by a trick: to surprise information from a prisoner.
7. the act or an instance of surprising; the act of taking unawares
8. a sudden or unexpected event, gift, etc
9. the feeling or condition of being surprised; astonishment
10. (modifier) causing, characterized by, or relying upon surprise: a surprise move.
11. take by surprise
a. to come upon suddenly and without warning
b. to capture unexpectedly or catch unprepared
c. to astonish; amaze
[C15: from Old French, from surprendre to overtake, from sur-1 + prendre from Latin prehendere to grasp; see prehensile]
surˈprisal n
surˈprised adj
surprisedly adv
surˈpriser n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(sərˈpraɪz, sə-)

v. -prised, -pris•ing,
n. v.t.
1. to strike with a sudden feeling of wonder or astonishment, esp. by being unexpected.
2. to come upon or discover suddenly and unexpectedly.
3. to make an unexpected assault on (an unprepared army, fort, person, etc.).
4. to lead or bring unawares into doing something unintended: to surprise someone into telling the truth.
5. to elicit suddenly and without warning.
6. the state of being surprised; a feeling of sudden wonder or astonishment, esp. at something unexpected.
7. something that surprises; an unexpected event, appearance, statement, or gift.
8. an act or instance of surprising or taking unawares.
9. an attack or assault made without warning.
take by surprise,
a. to come upon unawares.
b. to astonish; amaze.
[1425–75; < Middle French, n. use of past participle of surprendre=sur- sur-1 + prendre to take < Latin prehendere (see prehension)]
sur•pris′er, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
amaze, surprise - Amaze once meant "alarm, terrify," but now means "astonish"; surprise means "meet with suddenly or without warning."
See also related terms for suddenly.
Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.




  1. Crops up when you least expect it, like dandruff —Robin Worthington
  2. (I read the note over several times with a kind of stupid) incredulity, like an unbelieving prisoner reading the formal sentence of his own execution —Robert Traver
  3. Started [at sound of a sudden call] like a horse at the sound of the bugle —Stefan Zweig
  4. (She) started like a quiet, lovely insect into which someone had suddenly stabbed a pin —Elizabeth Spencer
  5. Startling as curves in a mountain road —Lorrie Moore
  6. (The idea was as) startling … as if in a blank wall before her a door had opened —Dorothy Canfield Fisher
  7. (Perception as) startling as watching a feeling cross a face on Mount Rushmore —Paige Mitchell
  8. Startling, like a face changing in front of you, from young to old, well to ill —Wilfrid Sheed
  9. Surprised and shocked as if she had heard an explosion and seen her own shattered legs go flying across the floor —Rachel Ingalls
  10. Surprised as a sardine that went to sleep in the ocean and woke up in a delicatessen store —Arthur Baer
  11. Surprised [physical reaction] me as much as if I were a baby suddenly popped from the womb —Angela Carter
  12. Surprise made me look like a goldfish —Rebecca West
  13. Surprises keep us living: as when the first light surprised our infant eyes —Louis MacNeice
  14. Surprising as a child’s laugh rising higher, higher, higher —Babette Deutsch
  15. (Sharp pain pierced his chest, as quick and) unexpected as the materialization of a hairline crack in bone —Paige Mitchell
  16. Unexpected as aluminum siding in Buckingham Palace —Anon
  17. Unexpected as best seller status for a book of Latin quotations —Anon
  18. Unexpected as a heart attack —Anon
  19. Unexpected as a heat wave in February —Anon
  20. Unexpected as gourmet food in a second rate hotel —Anon
  21. Unexpected as snow in July —Anon
  22. Unexpectedly wonderful treat, like blue skies and warmth in a chilly spring —Janet Flanner
  23. You never know what somebody’s got in him: like the man with germs, suddenly he’s down in bed with a crisis —Clifford Odets
Similes Dictionary, 1st Edition. © 1988 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.



bolt from the blue A sudden and entirely unexpected or unforeseen occurrence; a complete surprise; also, the adverbial phrases out of the blue and out of a clear blue sky ’unexpectedly, suddenly; without warning or notice.’ The allusion is to suddenness and surprise similar to that which would be experienced if a bolt of lightning were unexpectedly to appear in a cloudless sky. Although bolt from the blue was in use as early as 1837, out of the blue did not appear until 1919.

bug-eyed Astonished, surprised; aghast with wonder or awe; literally, to have protruding eyes as do certain species of bugs. Though this precise adjective form did not appear until the 1920s, conceptually equivalent expressions date from considerably earlier.

Wouldn’t their eyes bug out, to see ’em handled like that? (Mark Twain, Life on the Mississippi, 1883)

knock for a loop See CONFUSION.

Scarborough warning Little or no forewarning, no previous notice; a total shock. This expression may allude to the 1557 siege of Scarborough castle, which took its inhabitants completely off guard. Another possible origin concerns a harsh law enacted in Scarborough which allowed the punishment of robbery suspects prior to a trial. In any event, the expression, used frequently in Great Britain until the mid-1800s, is virtually never heard today.

The true man for giving Scarborough warning—first knock you down, then bid you stand. (Sir Walter Scott, Redgauntlet, 1824)

taken aback Surprised or stunned into immobility. This was originally a nautical term describing a square-rigged ship whose sails are blown against the mast, thus preventing further forward movement. An early figurative usage employs the term all aback:

On this subject I am literally as the sailors say all aback. (Edward Winslow, Winslow Papers, 1783)

Picturesque Expressions: A Thematic Dictionary, 1st Edition. © 1980 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


Surprise can be a verb or a noun.

1. used as a verb

If something surprises you, you did not expect it.

What you say surprises me.
Her decision to resign had surprised everybody.

Don't use a progressive form of surprise. Don't say, for example, 'What you say is surprising me'.

2. used as a noun

If something is a surprise, it surprises someone.

The result came as a surprise to everyone.
It was a great surprise to find out I had won.

In stories, expressions such as to my surprise and to her surprise are sometimes used to show that someone is surprised by something.

To her surprise he said no.

Be Careful!
Don't use any preposition except to in these expressions. Don't say, for example, 'For her surprise he said no'.

3. 'surprised'

Surprised is an adjective. If you are surprised to see something or surprised to hear something, you did not expect to see it or hear it.

I was surprised to see her return so soon.
You won't be surprised to learn that I disagreed with this.

Be Careful!
Don't say that someone is 'surprised at seeing' or 'surprised at hearing' something. Don't say that someone is 'surprise to' see or hear something. Don't say, for example, 'I was surprised at seeing her return' or 'I was surprise to see her return'.

Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012


Past participle: surprised
Gerund: surprising

I surprise
you surprise
he/she/it surprises
we surprise
you surprise
they surprise
I surprised
you surprised
he/she/it surprised
we surprised
you surprised
they surprised
Present Continuous
I am surprising
you are surprising
he/she/it is surprising
we are surprising
you are surprising
they are surprising
Present Perfect
I have surprised
you have surprised
he/she/it has surprised
we have surprised
you have surprised
they have surprised
Past Continuous
I was surprising
you were surprising
he/she/it was surprising
we were surprising
you were surprising
they were surprising
Past Perfect
I had surprised
you had surprised
he/she/it had surprised
we had surprised
you had surprised
they had surprised
I will surprise
you will surprise
he/she/it will surprise
we will surprise
you will surprise
they will surprise
Future Perfect
I will have surprised
you will have surprised
he/she/it will have surprised
we will have surprised
you will have surprised
they will have surprised
Future Continuous
I will be surprising
you will be surprising
he/she/it will be surprising
we will be surprising
you will be surprising
they will be surprising
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been surprising
you have been surprising
he/she/it has been surprising
we have been surprising
you have been surprising
they have been surprising
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been surprising
you will have been surprising
he/she/it will have been surprising
we will have been surprising
you will have been surprising
they will have been surprising
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been surprising
you had been surprising
he/she/it had been surprising
we had been surprising
you had been surprising
they had been surprising
I would surprise
you would surprise
he/she/it would surprise
we would surprise
you would surprise
they would surprise
Past Conditional
I would have surprised
you would have surprised
he/she/it would have surprised
we would have surprised
you would have surprised
they would have surprised
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.surprise - the astonishment you feel when something totally unexpected happens to yousurprise - the astonishment you feel when something totally unexpected happens to you
amazement, astonishment - the feeling that accompanies something extremely surprising; "he looked at me in astonishment"
2.surprise - a sudden unexpected event
alteration, change, modification - an event that occurs when something passes from one state or phase to another; "the change was intended to increase sales"; "this storm is certainly a change for the worse"; "the neighborhood had undergone few modifications since his last visit years ago"
bombshell, thunderbolt, thunderclap - a shocking surprise; "news of the attack came like a bombshell"
coup de theatre - a dramatic surprise
eye opener - something surprising and revealing
peripeteia, peripetia, peripety - a sudden and unexpected change of fortune or reverse of circumstances (especially in a literary work); "a peripeteia swiftly turns a routine sequence of events into a story worth telling"
blow, shock - an unpleasant or disappointing surprise; "it came as a shock to learn that he was injured"
stunner - an unexpected and amazing event; "the stunner was what happened on Saturday"
3.surprise - the act of surprising someone
disruption, perturbation - the act of causing disorder
Verb1.surprise - cause to be surprised; "The news really surprised me"
amaze, astonish, astound - affect with wonder; "Your ability to speak six languages amazes me!"
explode a bombshell - utter or do something surprising; "Father exploded a bombshell when he forbade us to go to the prom"
catch - discover or come upon accidentally, suddenly, or unexpectedly; catch somebody doing something or in a certain state; "She caught her son eating candy"; "She was caught shoplifting"
flabbergast, bowl over, boggle - overcome with amazement; "This boggles the mind!"
impress, strike, affect, move - have an emotional or cognitive impact upon; "This child impressed me as unusually mature"; "This behavior struck me as odd"
ball over, blow out of the water, floor, shock, take aback - surprise greatly; knock someone's socks off; "I was floored when I heard that I was promoted"
2.surprise - come upon or take unawares; "She surprised the couple"; "He surprised an interesting scene"
act, move - perform an action, or work out or perform (an action); "think before you act"; "We must move quickly"; "The governor should act on the new energy bill"; "The nanny acted quickly by grabbing the toddler and covering him with a wet towel"
blindside - catch unawares, especially with harmful consequences; "The economic downturn blindsided many investors"
3.surprise - attack by storm; attack suddenly
attack, assail - launch an attack or assault on; begin hostilities or start warfare with; "Hitler attacked Poland on September 1, 1939 and started World War II"; "Serbian forces assailed Bosnian towns all week"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. shock, start (informal), revelation, jolt, bombshell, eye-opener (informal), bolt from the blue, turn-up for the books (informal) It is perhaps no surprise to see her attempting a comeback.
2. amazement, astonishment, wonder, disbelief, incredulity, stupefaction To my surprise I am in a room where I see one of my mother's sisters.
1. amaze, astonish, astound, stun, startle, stagger, disconcert, take aback, bowl over (informal), leave open-mouthed, nonplus, flabbergast (informal), take (someone's) breath away We'll solve the case ourselves and surprise everyone.
2. catch unawares or off-guard, catch napping, catch on the hop (informal), burst in on, spring upon, catch in the act or red-handed, come down on like a bolt from the blue The army surprised their enemy near the village of Blenheim.
"Surprises are foolish things. The pleasure is not enhanced, and the inconvenience is often considerable" [Jane Austen Emma]
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. To come upon, especially suddenly or unexpectedly:
catch, hit on (or upon), take.
Informal: hit.
2. To attack suddenly and without warning:
3. To impress strongly by what is unexpected or unusual:
Idioms: catch unawares, take aback.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
دهشةمفاجأةمُفَاجَأَةمُفاجأَهيُذْهِل، يُباغِت
koma á óvartkoma í opna skjöldu, gera skyndiárásundrun, furîa
nelauktainetikėtai užkluptinetikėtumasnustebęspriversti
izbrīnspārsteigtpārsteigt un likt darītpārsteiguma-pārsteigums
sürprizbaskın yapmakgafil avlamakşaşırtıp bir şey yaptırmakşaşırtmak
sự ngạc nhiên


A. N
1. (= astonishment) → sorpresa f
imagine my surprise when I found a cheque for £5,000puedes imaginarte la sorpresa que me llevé al encontrar or cuando encontré un cheque de 5.000 libras
"what?" George asked in surprise-¿qué? -preguntó George sorprendido
he saw my look of surpriseme vio la cara de sorpresa
there was a look of surprise on his facetenía cara de sorpresa
surprise, surprise! (iro) → ¡menuda sorpresa! (iro)
to my/his surprisepara mi/su sorpresa
much to my surprise, he agreedpara gran sorpresa mía, accedió
2. (as tactic) → sorpresa f
the element of surpriseel elemento sorpresa
to catch or take sb by surprisecoger or (LAm) tomar a algn por sorpresa
3. (= unexpected thing) → sorpresa f
I have a surprise for youtengo una sorpresa para ti
what a lovely surprise!¡qué sorpresa más or tan agradable!
all this comes as something of a surprisetodo esto es en cierto modo una sorpresa
it may come as a surprise to some peoplepuede que algunos se lleven una sorpresa
it came as a surprise to me to learn thatme llevé una sorpresa al enterarme de que ...
life is full of surprisesla vida está llena de sorpresas
to give sb a surprisedar una sorpresa a algn
B. ADJ [party, present] → sorpresa inv; [announcement, defeat, decision] → inesperado
a surprise visituna visita sorpresa or inesperada
a surprise attackun ataque por sorpresa
1. (= astonish) → sorprender
he may surprise us all one daypuede que algún día nos sorprenda a todos
go on, surprise me! (iro) → ¡venga, sorpréndeme! (iro)
you surprise me (also iro) → me sorprende usted
it surprised her to hear John sounding so angryle sorprendió oír a John hablar tan enfadado
no one will be surprised by her appointmenta nadie le extrañará or sorprenderá su nombramiento
it wouldn't surprise me if he ended up in jailno me extrañaría or sorprendería que terminara en la cárcel
it surprises me thatme sorprende que + subjun
to surprise o.ssorprenderse (a sí mismo)
2. (= catch unawares) → coger por sorpresa, tomar por sorpresa (LAm)
to surprise sb in the actsorprender a algn in fraganti, coger a algn in fraganti
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(= unexpected event, news) → surprise f
I have a surprise for you → J'ai une surprise pour vous.
to be a surprise to sb, to come as a surprise to sb
This ruling was a surprise to everyone → Cette décision fut une surprise pour tout le monde.
It came as a surprise to me → Cela a été une surprise pour moi.
to take by surprise [+ person] → prendre au dépourvu (MILITARY) [+ town, fort] → prendre par surprise
surprise, surprise! (meeting somebody)surprise, surprise! (humorous)vous parlez d'une surprise
(= astonishment) → surprise f
to my surprise → à ma surprise
to my great surprise → à ma grande surprise
in surprise → surpris(e)
He looked at me in surprise → Il me regarda, surpris.
modif [announcement, appearance, attack, decision, defeat, victory, visit] → surprise
(= astonish) → surprendre
It would not surprise me if he ends up in jail → Cela ne me surprendrait pas qu'il finisse en prison.
(= catch unawares) → surprendre
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


nÜberraschung f; in surprisevoller Überraschung, überrascht; much to my surprise, to my great surprisezu meiner großen Überraschung; with a look of surprisemit überraschtem Gesicht; it was a surprise (for or to me) to find that …ich war überrascht, als ich entdeckte, dass …; it came as a surprise to uswir waren überrascht, es hat uns überrascht; what a surprise!was für eine Überraschung!; to give somebody a surprisejdn überraschen; to take somebody by surprisejdn überraschen; surprise, surprise, it’s me!rate mal, wer hier ist?; surprise, surprise! (iro)was du nicht sagst!
attrÜberraschungs-, überraschend; surprise attackÜberraschungsangriff m; surprise successÜberraschungserfolg m; surprise winnerÜberraschungssieger(in) m(f)
vtüberraschen; (= catch unawares also) army, sentryüberrumpeln; thief(auf frischer Tat) ertappen; you surprise me! (also iro)das überrascht mich!; I was surprised to hear itich war überrascht, das zu hören; I wouldn’t be surprised if …es würde mich nicht wundern, wenn …; don’t be surprised if he refuseswundern Sie sich nicht, wenn er ablehnt; it’s nothing to be surprised atdas ist nicht weiter verwunderlich; I’m surprised at or by his ignoranceich bin überrascht über seine Unkenntnis; I’m surprised you didn’t think of thates wundert mich, dass du nicht daran gedacht hast; go on, surprise me!ich lass mich überraschen!; he surprised me into agreeinger hat mich so verblüfft, dass ich zugestimmt habe
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. n (gen) → sorpresa; (astonishment) → stupore m, sorpresa
it came as quite a surprise to me → fu una grande sorpresa per me
a look of surprise → uno sguardo di sorpresa
much to my surprise, to my great surprise → con mia grande sorpresa
to take by surprise (person) → cogliere di sorpresa (Mil) (town, fort) → attaccare di sorpresa
to give sb a surprise → fare una sorpresa a qn
2. vt (astonish) → sorprendere, stupire; (catch unawares) → sorprendere, cogliere di sorpresa
he was surprised to learn that ... → fu sorpreso di sapere che...
I'm surprised at you! → mi meraviglio di te!
he surprised me into accepting → ho accettato perché colto alla sprovvista
I wouldn't be surprised if he accepts → non mi sorprenderebbe se accettasse
don't be surprised if he comes → non ti meravigliare se viene
3. adj (present, visit) → inaspettato/a; (attack) → di sorpresa
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(səˈpraiz) noun
(the feeling caused by) something sudden or unexpected. His statement caused some surprise; Your letter was a pleasant surprise; There were some nasty surprises waiting for her when she returned; He stared at her in surprise; To my surprise the door was unlocked; (also adjective) He paid them a surprise visit.
1. to cause to feel surprise. The news surprised me.
2. to lead, by means of surprise, into doing something. Her sudden question surprised him into betraying himself.
3. to find, come upon, or attack, without warning. They surprised the enemy from the rear.
surˈprised adjective
showing or feeling surprise. his surprised face; I'm surprised (that) he's not here; You behaved badly – I'm surprised at you!; I wouldn't be surprised if he won.
surˈprising adjective
likely to cause surprise. surprising news; It is not surprising that he resigned.
surˈprisingly adverb
Surprisingly, he did win.
take by surprise
1. to catch unawares. The news took me by surprise.
2. to capture (a fort etc) by a sudden, unexpected attack.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


مُفَاجَأَة překvapení overraskelse Überraschung έκπληξη sorpresa yllätys surprise iznenađenje sopresa 驚き 놀람 verrassing overraskelse niespodzianka surpresa удивление överraskning ความประหลาดใจ sürpriz sự ngạc nhiên 惊喜
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. sorpresa.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012