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Noun1.Ninhursag - the great mother goddess; worshipped also as Aruru and Mama and Nintu
Sumer - an area in the southern region of Babylonia in present-day Iraq; site of the Sumerian civilization of city-states that flowered during the third millennium BC
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The image of the Sumerian Ninhursag or Inanna, also called Queen of the Night or Lady of Heaven, has been commonly viewed as Lilith, while the snake woman with Adam and Eve on the Sistine Chapel ceiling by Michaelangelo is undisputedly Lillith.
Two examples will suffice: in Enki and Ninhursag, we are told of birds eying a widow's malt that was spread on a roof to dry.
* a garden paradise of god(s) in the East (e.g., Enki and Ninhursag; Gilgamesh Epic)
People at the time started to form visions of ideal life and religious beliefs were epitomized by many divine symbols and sacred places like the Temples of Ishtar, Ninhursag and Nini-Zaza.
Reste eines Archivs und einer Bibliothek kamen in und um den Istar-Tempel zutage (N 8): Die Archivreste bestehen aus verschiedenen Urkunden und Listen; unter den Bibliotheksresten befinden sich mehrere topographische Texte, die vierte Tafel des Werkes "Inannas Erhohung" sowie Gebete an Ninhursag und Marduk.
The Sumerian mythic narrative now generally known as "Enki and Ninhursag" (EN) offers a hitherto unexplored instance of a similar but still quite distinct typology at play outside the IE tradition.
In light of the well-known Sumerian myths of Enki, Ninhursag, and Inzak, and owing to its own archaeological value, Barbar is a key site for ancient Near Eastern studies at large--not "just another one of those Gulf sites" which some colleagues still consider a Randerscheinung of our field.
The Sumerian pantheon is understood as a hierarchy with An, Enlil, Ninhursag, and Enki as the top four, with several other deities closely related to them, including Nanna (the moon god), Utu (the sun god), and Inanna (the goddess of the morning and evening stars).