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Adj.1.ninety-five - being five more than ninetyninety-five - being five more than ninety    
cardinal - being or denoting a numerical quantity but not order; "cardinal numbers"
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References in classic literature ?
My notes have been this day protested for ninety-five thousand dollars, and I have not ninety-five dollars in bank.
That is to say, when I borrowed one hundred dollars, he handed me ninety-five. The other five dollars he retained as advance interest for the first month.
I've now got four dollars and ninety-five cents, including the ticket.
He appointed William Phips to be captain of a vessel, called the Rose Algier, carrying eighteen guns and ninety-five men.
Out of the whole ninety-five there were eight in particular--Dumpling, Fancy, Lofty, Mist, Old Pretty, Young Pretty, Tidy, and Loud--who, though the teats of one or two were as hard as carrots, gave down to her with a readiness that made her work on them a mere touch of the fingers.
Sux hundred hundred went over the side, but four hundred an' ninety-five was all the agents received.
was found to be divided into two books, the one containing a hundred and twenty-five, and the other ninety-five fables.
He had asked the landlady the altitude of her place above the level of the lake, and she told him fourteen hundred and ninety-five feet.
Around us the dead and dying lay in heaped-up masses, and of the gallant Greys there remained but ninety-five men upon their feet.
After long hesitation and uncertainty they paid twenty-five cents for a big package of insect powder--a patent preparation which chanced to be ninety-five per cent gypsum, a harmless earth which had cost about two cents to prepare.
Contrast this with the nine hundred by ninety-five of any crack liner, and you will realize the power that must drive a hull through all weathers at more than the emergency speed of the Cyclonic!
This he said while talking to public representatives of union councils ninety-five and eighty-one in Multan on Sunday.