
Related to Ninevite: Tarshish


(Placename) a native or inhabitant of Nineveh, the ancient capital of Assyria
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I am more interested in the actions of the sailors and the Ninevite king.
When the beast finally "expels" the prophet onto Ninevite soil, Jonah, like a small child, throws a tantrum because the people easily welcome his plea to repent.
Incised ninevite 5 potteries with geometric and naturalistic animal motifs were also unearthed at the site.A house with two furnitured rooms was discovered to the northwestern side of Tell Brak.
This complex ceremony, known now in its major two recensions (Ninevite and Babylonian), was performed over three days, during which the newly made icon was purified, vivified, and enthroned in its temple.
Bournonville tells us that Galeotti also clarified the action by other means: 'The pantomime, according to Italian form, consisted of a complete dictionary of accepted gestures that had been gathered from Roman and Neapolitan folkways, and also, to lend greater clarity to the whole, of written placards, tablets, banners, and transparencies which, like the Ninevite flame-writing of old, announced fateful occurrences' (My Theatre Life, p.
As Lewis argued, "A Christian who understands his own religion laughs when unbelievers expect to trouble him by the assertion that Jesus uttered no command which had not been anticipated by the Rabbis--few, indeed, which cannot be paralleled in classical, ancient Egyptian, Ninevite, Babylonian, or Chinese texts.
The intellectual world of the Ninevite court is the subject of several significant papers.
The very end of the fourth millennium and the early third millennium, including the Ninevite 5 period, are documented in areas HF and HS.
The Babylonian recension is some two centuries younger than the Ninevite recension, and is somewhat abridged.
The Ninevite text (especially K6324+) is especially complex and must be assembled from countless fragments.
941-42 under the Ninevite Istar, while the passage should be restored as [[supURU]ni-nu-a-wi[subi]-n]a [supD]ISTAR-wi[subi]-na (cf.
was due to indigenous designs or to contact with the south (see Frank Hole, "Middle Habur Settlement and Agriculture in the Ninevite 5 Period," Bulletin of the Canadian Society for Mesopotamian Studies 21 [1991]: 17-29; Glenn Schwartz, "Rural Economic Specialization and Early Urbanization in the Khabur Valley, Syria," in Archaeological Views from the Countryside: Village Communities in Early Complex Societies, ed.