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(Biography) Saint. ?360–?432 ad, the first known apostle of Scotland; built a stone church (candida casa) at Whithorn on his native Solway; preached to the Picts. Feast day: Sept 16
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I accept there were complications, with everyone presuming there would definitely be another game still at Ninian so it wasn't the swansong.
LORD Ninian Edward Crichton-Stuart, a member of Cardiff's main landowning family, the Butes, was killed in action at the Battle of Loos during the Great War 100 years ago this month.
F this is to be the last Cardiff v Swansea derby at Ninian Park, then the grand old lady did her bit yesterday to ensure the went out on a bigger than their arch-rivals.
2 Ninian Park, September 6, 1961 JIMMY Greaves had moved on to Inter Milan a few months earlier, but Chelsea's team still included Peter Bonetti, Bobby Tambling and a talented 21-year-old mid-fielder called Terry Venables when they visited Ninian Park 53 years ago.
TOMORROW'S match at Ninian Park is the 50th Football League derby between Cardiff and Swansea - 24 have been at Ninian Park and 25 in Swansea.
Baby's name: Jacob Ninian Griffiths Date and place of birth: Royal Glamorgan Hospital, Llantrisant, on August 25.
THE last time Swansea's Leon Britton thought about going to Ninian Park he put safety first and decided not to bother.
A CARDIFF City-mad couple have pledged their allegiance to the club's former stadium - by naming their newborn son Ninian.
The sold-out signs are being prepared for tomorrow's Championship clash with sixth-placed Wolves as the feel-good factor grips Ninian Park.
The display chronicles the key moments in the history of Cardiff City's old Ninian Park ground, showing how the sporting events have been reported over the years.
Veteran striker Kevin Campbell wants Cardiff City to turn Ninian Park into a fortress.