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the great mother goddess

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References in periodicals archive ?
In "Enki and Ninhursaga," force and coercion are used.
First, Ninhursaga warns Uttu about Enki's presence in the marshes (lines 128-32).
The text is ambiguous as to whether Uttu is aware of the gardener's true identity, but Ninhursaga's warnings earlier in the composition suggest that Uttu knows exactly what is happening.
This is aggravated in both "Enlil and Ninlil" and "Enki and Ninhursaga," where the victims are defined either as kisikil (tur) or l[u.sub.2]-tur, stressing that they were young and sexually inexperienced, thus making Enlil and Enki's actions even more reprehensible.
Altinger, "Enki et Ninhursaga." Z4 74 (1984): 1-52, For interpretation, sec B.