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Ningbo or Ningpo (ningˈbôˈ), city (1994 est. pop. 612,000), NE Zhejiang prov., SE China, at the confluence of the Yong (or Ningbo) and Yao rivers. Situated at the terminus of the E Zhejiang RR, it is an industrial center and one of China's leading seaports. It was designated an “open” city in 1984 in order to stimulate foreign trade and investment. Ningbo has a variety of heavy and light industries, including shipbuilding, food processing, textile mills, and the manufacture of machinery. The city's ports and economic and technological development zone are at Beilun. Ningbo is a transportation center with canal, road, and rail links, and steamer services to places such as Shanghai; a 22-mi (36-km) bridge across Hangzhou Bay N of Ningbo links the city with Jiaxing and Shanghai. Long a center of culture and religion, Ningbo has many temples and Buddhist monasteries.

The present site of Ningbo has been occupied since at least the 8th cent. A.D., and tombs dating to the Three Kingdoms period (A.D. 220–265) have been found in the city. During the Ming dynasty Ningbo was known as Qingyuan. From 1433 to 1549 it served as the port of entry for Japanese missions to the Chinese court. The Portuguese, who had established a trading settlement there in the 16th cent., called the city Liampo. In the Opium War (1841), British forces occupied the city. The Treaty of Nanjing (1842), which ended hostilities, made Ningbo a treaty port. The city was known as Ninghsien (pinyin, Ningxian) from 1911 to 1949.

The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia™ Copyright © 2022, Columbia University Press. Licensed from Columbia University Press. All rights reserved.
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



a city and major port in China, located in Chekiang Province on the Yung Chiang, on the coast of the East China Sea. Population, 237,500 (1953). The city’s industries include shipbuilding, tractor production, cotton textile manufacturing, and food processing, including flour milling and rice refining. Tea, cotton, and fish are exported.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


, Ningpo
a port in E China, in NE Zhejiang, on the Yung River, about 20 km (12 miles) from its mouth at Hangzhou Bay: one of the first sites of European settlement in China. Pop.: 1 188 000 (2005 est.)
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
The diaries traveled with him from Hong Kong to Ningpo and on to Canton, Shanghai, and Peking and was almost lost in 1900 when his house in Peking was destroyed during the Boxer Rebellion, but was saved together with his correspondence with his secretary James Duncan Campbell of the London Office of the IMCS.
It is possible that Hart began his diary with a view to documenting his encounter with China in case he should break off his appointment with the Consular Service and return to Ireland as he did give the latter option serious consideration during his time in Ningpo. As time went on, however, and he rose to the position of Inspector-General and became a settled and increasingly prominent in China, the diaries would become more of a mirror of his career ambitions and day-to-day work experience.
Ningpo was already nearly 6,000 years old when Liverpool was just a farmstead on the banks of the River Mersey at the time of Norman Conquest.
(122) After the first big catastrophe, they obtained succour from the Jews of Ningpo. After a fire in Wan-li times (1573-1620), they managed to find a scroll from Canton (via Ningsia).
In May 1862, for example, an Anglo-French expedition attacked the Taipingheld port of Ningpo, a hundred miles from Shanghai, and handed it over to Qing troops, who promptly carried out a general massacre.
He wrote out this poem in fifteen different transcriptions: in a reconstructed ancient pronunciation (quite pretty and no doubt infinitely less precise than Karlgren's), in Sino-Korean, Sino-Vietnamese, Cantonese, Hakka, two varieties of Amoy (colloquial and literary), Foochow, Wenchow, Ningpo, two varieties of Sino-Japanese (kan'on and go'on), Pekingese, Hankow, and Yangchow.
During the late imperial period the first native-place associations in Shanghai were created for the promotion of business interests among wealthy Cantonese, Ningpo and Fujian comprador-traders, while concomitantly providing Confucian burial services, popular religious festivals, and local operas for their fellow provincials who filled the city's burgeoning labor market.
consul in Ningpo, China, in 1861 by Abraham Lincoln as a favor to his uncle.
Parker played a significant role in the negotiations, which not only provided for commercial access of Americans to the five treaty ports of Canton, Amoy, Foochow, Ningpo, and Shanghai, but also allowed for the building of houses, hospitals, schools, and places of worship by foreigners in each of the ports.
With the signing of the Treaty of Nanking in 1842, (9) Hong Kong Island was ceded as a colony to the British, and five coastal treaty ports were opened--Canton, Amoy, Foochow, Ningpo, and Shanghai--where missionaries were, for the first time, allowed to reside, build churches, and preach the Gospel.
Hogan, who had served the Assemblies in pre-Communist China (Ningpo, Chekiang Province, East China) and Taiwan, was AOG director of the Division of Foreign Missions during the turbulent and transitional years of 1960-90.