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Related to Ningxia: Ningxia Wolfberry


, Ninghsia
1. a former province of NW China: mostly included in the Inner Mongolian AR in 1956, with the smaller part constituted as the Ningxia Hui AR in 1958
2. the former name of Yinchuan
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
Sprague Dawley (SD) rats were obtained from the Laboratory Animal Center, Ningxia Medical University and Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, and bred in the Laboratory Centre.
Iqbal Thaheem and Deputy Division Chief of Exposition Affairs, CCPIT Ningxia, Yue Zhao signed the MoU on behalf of their organizations.
Ningxia's Hui people were previously left unbothered by authorities due to them being more integrated into and less ethnically distinct from mainstream Han Chinese society.
The Hui are ethnically Chinese; however, that has not stopped the state from limiting their religious practices, as the Ningxia stand-off shows.
Oman Wanfang company and Ningxia Polytechnic College signed at the end of June 2016 a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to train 1000 Omani Students in these specialties: petrochemical engineering, construction materials, computer software, technology, renewable energy, petroleum equipment, and economic management, and the course includes %75 academic training and %25 vocational training in the field of work.
Strategic presence in Shanxi and Ningxia provides a vertically integrated production chain and the ability to grow
In the article titled "Final Machining of Large-Scale Engine Block with Modularized Fixture and Virtual Manufacturing Technologies" [1], there was an error in the Acknowledgments section, where the sentence "This work was partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (2017A0497)" should be corrected to "This work was partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of Ningxia (NZ17236)."
(AWS), an company (NASDAQ:AMZN), and Ningxia Western Cloud Data Technology Co.
The $94m project, which will generate around 1,000MW energy per annum, is being jointly promoted by China-based Ningxia Zhongke Jiaye New Energy and Technology Management Co.
Dubai Food Park (DFP), the region's largest specialised zone dedicated to serving the rapidly growing food sector, has signed a deal with China's Ningxia Forward Fund Management Company to build a world-class China-UAE Food Industrial cluster in Dubai at an investment of Dh1.35 billion ($367 million).
Dubai Food Park (DFP), the region's specialised zone dedicated to serving the rapidly-growing food sector, has signed an AED 1.35 billion investment agreement with Ningxia Forward Fund Management Company to build a China-UAE food industrial cluster in Dubai.