
(redirected from Ninhydrin assay)
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Related to Ninhydrin assay: ninhydrin reaction, Ninhydrin protein assay


(organic chemistry)
C9H4O3·H2O White crystals or powder with a melting point of 240-245°C; soluble in water and alcohol; used for the detection and assay of peptides, amines, amino acids, and amino sugars. Also known as triketohydrindene hydrate.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
for (a) Ninhydrin assay and (b) Exoploysaccharide production test of isolates
The fixation index was determined by ninhydrin assay as per the procedure of Sung et al.
The SNAN fractions (free amino acid, peptide and soluble protein) in RD and OD collected at 2-h intervals were assessed by ninhydrin assay. Mean ruminal ammonia concentrations were 40.5, 74.8, 103.4 and 127.0 mg/L for low CGM, high CGM, low SBM and high SBM, respectively, with statistically significant differences (p<0.01 for CP level and p<0.001 for CP degradability).