
Also found in: Idioms.


adjBüro-; nine-to-five job/workerBürojob m/-angestellte(r) mf; nine-to-five mentalityAngestelltenmentalität f
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
References in periodicals archive ?
RECORD numbers of people are turning away from a nine-to-five job in favour of more flexible and independent ways of working, a study finds.
THE nine-to-five job is fast becoming a thing of the past as a study yesterday revealed a third of employers provide flexible working hours.
For some time it did not dawn on me how little, in those days, the often harrowing and hazardous work of social workers was valued - not until I realised that young receptionists in the department who had a nine-to-five job were on a higher grade and received a larger salary than a social worker.
You see, he's managed to combine his two passions in life in the one programme - impersonations and acting - it's not quite the usual nine-to-five toil.
Learn why getting out of the office for a company retreat might be the boost your employees need to get more out of the nine-to-five grind.
THE traditional nine-to-five working day is dead, it was claimed yesterday.
HAVING experienced the gratifying feeling of charity work, the Sultan of Snow plans to leave the 'nine-to-five' life to focus on making fundraising his life's work.
It seems that the German troops now in Afghanistan "don't like to go out at night." Apparently, they assume that the Taliban consists entirely of nine-to-five clock watchers.
BUSINESS Link recognises that businesses don't just operate from nine-to-five.
With a burning desire to control their own destiny, workers are ditching the cosy nine-to-five lifestyle to turn their bright ideas into commercial gain.
Unemployed people may be told to do a nine-to-five day, looking for jobs or carrying out community work, such as digging gardens.
GORDON Brown will end the days of the NHS as a "nine-to-five service" by ordering family doctors to work weekends and evenings.