
(redirected from babyproof)
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make safe against children


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References in periodicals archive ?
Sometimes in the form of "kidproof," and originally, possibly, "babyproof," the expression was present in public discourse by the end of the decade.(51) "Childproofing" came to refer not only to the actions of responsible caregivers but to the design of consumer goods that entered into the worlds of the babies and preschoolers.
Babyproof catches are inexpensive and will keep doors and drawers closed during a quake.
New toys may include tiny parts that might not be safe for a younger sibling, and grandma's house may not be as "babyproofed" as your own.
Right before I left South Carolina, I babyproofed my apartment, plugging outlets, hooking plastic locks onto cabinets, rolling up blind cords, gating the stairs.
What I mean by that is that whatever new drink we implement need to be 'babyproofed' - every bartender needs to be able to add their own personal flair without ruining the drink and making it taste like baby aspirin."