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Words related to federalism

the idea of a federal organization of more or less self-governing units

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The same survey also found that 69 percent have little or no knowledge of federalism and only 28 percent favored changing to a federal system.' (Paging DILG et al).
(I said, so they will be briefed on the outcome day-to-day how you want to apply the federal system the way you want.
'But I am quite proud to come from Germany, a federal country, in which Bavaria, 'my federal state,' has developed from the poorest state after WW II to the best, richest and most attractive one today, thanks to the federal system that we introduced in our new Constitution in Germany after the war.'
In a statement he released on Thursday, Swaka said the establishment of a strong federal system has been the target of his group and its allied forces in the South Sudan Opposition Alliance (SSOA) rather than the current governing system which dragged the nation into war.
The survey said 37 percent agree with the federal system of government, and 29 percent disagree, and 34 percent undecided.
He also said the country's transition to a federal system of governance represents a significant and hard-won achievement of the peace process and offers a unique opportunity to Nepal to bring about economic and social transformation and for better service delivery with greater accountability.
At a press conference held by MOCCAE and Dubai Municipality, Khalid Al Sharif, Assistant Director-General for Health, Safety and Environment Control at Dubai Municipality, said, "To accommodate the needs of the rising number of food producers, importers and exporters in the country, Dubai Municipality helped develop the Zad Federal System, which complies with the highest standards in food safety.
The step that will combine three Kurdish-led autonomous areas of northern Syrian into a federal system will be sure to alarm neighbouring Turkey, which fears growing Kurdish sway in Syria is fuelling separatism among its own Kurdish minority.
Spirent Federal Systems (www.spirentfederal.com) delivers next-generation test and measurement solutions designed to help government, military, and educational organizations get the highest levels of network security, reliability, and performance.
ARBIL/ Aswat al-Iraq: A leading member in the Kurdish Alliance MP Mohsen al-Sdoun stated that "if Baghdad did not apply the constitution, we will call for confederation before resorting to declaring the Kurdish state".MP Sdoun, in a statement transmitted by the Kurdish Democratic Party, headed by President Masoud Barzani, he added that "the Kurds are in a real crossroad for not implementing the federal system in Iraq."After the elections, we will call for adopting the constitutional laws.
Summary: Supporters of federal system in Libya set up company to sell oil from terminals they have seized in east, in latest challenge to government.
Through negotiations, committee members dropped these extreme positions and participants reached consensus on adopting a federal system in Yemen.
Judicial power in a federal system; Canada, United States and Germany.
KHOST CITY (PAN): A large number of youth in the southeastern province of Khost on Wednesday condemned calls for a federal system, warning that the move was aimed at dividing Afghanistan.
"We have always feared a federal system would have divided Libya into three parts, as it used to be.
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