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Related to Federal system: Federal Reserve System, Unitary System


federalism. 1 In political science, see federal government. 2 In U.S. history, see states' rights.
The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia™ Copyright © 2022, Columbia University Press. Licensed from Columbia University Press. All rights reserved.
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



(1) A form of state organization that usually exists in multinational states.

(2) In a number of countries, a political movement in support of a federal system of government.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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PDP-Laban should remember that a Federal System is the only antidote to Mindanao secession.
It added awareness about the federal system was highest among Muslims at 51 percent, followed by Iglesia ni Cristo members at 37 percent, other Christians at 32 percent, and Catholics at 22 percent.
Representatives of the eastern Hadramout, Shabwa, and Al-Mahra governorates (once part of South Yemen) added another layer of complexity to the negotiations by demanding a separate eastern region in the new federal system and refusing to be part of any future southern region.
He said the Berlin session that conferred on a federal system of government in Afghanistan was a privately arranged meeting that drew angry reaction from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Kabul.
"Although the constitution provides for some kind of (semi-autonomous) regions and federalism, we have first to stabilize the country and affirm its unity before going to the federal system," he argued.
The national government, state governments, and "we the people" are part of our federal system, and each part has sovereignty within its realm.
Baghdad / NINA / -- 2nd Vice Speaker of Iraqi Council of Representatives Arif Tayfur said: "The federal system which adopted by the constitution is the guarantee for the stability of the Iraqi state."
In following the struggle of the courts to adopt a statewide system, I have never heard one single reason why the federal system should not be adopted.
Canada's experience administering a national VAT along with a variety of provincial VATs and sales taxes demonstrates that multiple arrangements in a federal system are feasible, but increase administrative costs and compliance challenges for both the governments and businesses.
It says it has legal advice that it can operate under the federal system. According to The Australian, federal workplace relations minister Joe Hockey has indicated the Howard government would support a federal court test case to legitimise the move.
In April, IREM approved a statement of policy supporting an employer verification system like the current federal system, ensuring all workers be verified for their legal employment status.
I thank you for all for your continued cooperation, patience, and support in this very complex transition to the new federal system. Again, my action officer for FPDS-NG is Lisa Romney.

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