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federalism. 1 In political science, see federal government. 2 In U.S. history, see states' rights.
The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia™ Copyright © 2022, Columbia University Press. Licensed from Columbia University Press. All rights reserved.
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



(1) A form of state organization that usually exists in multinational states.

(2) In a number of countries, a political movement in support of a federal system of government.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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At the same time, Felongco said he will be consulting with the DILG undersecretary Jonathan Malayang to thresh out proposed programs for federalism.
It wasn't long ago that the Palace and federalism advocates, particularly the DILG's Federalism Institute, were declaring the unitary form of government a failure.
The President had always been on to federalism. He issued EO 10 to review the 1987 Constitution.
For Minority Leader Franklin Drilon, the President's silence on federalism indicated that Charter change was not on the agenda anymore.
But he urged local officials to at least amend the Constitution "that would change this nation." "So if we are going to study a federalism measure by the House, then it should meet those standards that it should be more efficient it should be clearer it should cost us less rather than more," the Finance chief said.
'With the new situation, I think Mr President has an idea of what we have been saying all these days about true federalism and restructuring.
Federalism "shall be democratically negotiated in the constitution making process".
The global perspective within the collection echoes not only Simeon's academic evolution, but that of the broader Canadian discipline, and speaks to the importance that Canadian scholars and practitioners of federalism, such as Simeon himself, have played in international debates and the evolution of federations around the world.
The work of the contributors offers a lens for identifying the basic tenets of what I call the "nationalist school of federalism." In this introduction, I've organized my observations around the five features needed for any account of federalism: (1) a tally of the ends served by devolution, (2) an inventory of the governance sites that matter, (3) an account of what gets the system up and running, (4) a description of how the national and local interact, and (5) "rules of engagement" (4) to guide those interactions.
Politically, experts say that the growing sectarian tension in the north, secessionists in the south and Al Qaida's attacks are major obstacles to federalism.
The course is part of UNDP's project 'Strengthening Participatory Federalism and Decentralization' aimed at providing support for the implementation of the 18th Amendment by informing, facilitating, and optimizing the process of transition management at federal, provincial and grassroots levels.