
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



the publishing house of the Federation of Societies of Soviet Writers. Founded in Moscow in 1929, Federatsiia published works by M. Gorky, M. Sholokhov, Iu. Olesha, A. Veselyi, A. N. Tolstoy, A. Grin, V. Kataev, and other Soviet writers; it also published memoirs, literary criticism, and publicist works. In addition, Federatsiia published many literary works translated from the national languages of the USSR and from foreign languages.

In 1933, Federatsiia was renamed the Sovetskaia Literatura publishing house, which merged with the Sovetskii Pisatel’ publishing house in 1934.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
These "Soviet" trade unions are now united under the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia (Federatsiia Nezavisimykh Profsoiuzov Rossii, FNPR), and are traditionally supported by employers and the authorities.
Eikhenbaum (Moscow: Federatsiia, 1929; Moscow: AGRAF, 2001).
Caption: Opposite page: Photograph from Sergei Tret'iakov's Vyzov: kolkhoznye ocherki (The Summons: Sketches from the Kolkhoz) (Moscow: Federatsiia, 1930).
See also Petr Pavlenko, Stambul i Turtsiia (Moscow: Federatsiia, 1932 [1927]), 102-3.
Kropotkin i ego uchenie, Chicago: Federatsiia Russkikh Anar-Komm, 1931
(46) Viktor Shklovskii, O teoriiprozy [The Theory of Prose] (Moscow: Federatsiia, 1929), 13.
LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS CAR Commission for Art Recovery, New York CIS Commonwealth of Independent States DOJ US Department of Justice FEOR Federatsiia Evreiskikh Obshchin Rossii (Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia) FSIA Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act FJC Federation of Jewish Communities of the CIS fol[s] folio[s] GBL Gosudarstvennaia biblioteka SSSR im.
(45) Aleksandr Voronskii, 'Predislovie', in Nikolai Ognev, Sobranie sochinenii, 2 vols (Moscow: Federatsiia, 1928), I (1928), pp.
Leontiev, "Chelnok ne professiia, a diagnoz," Rossiiskaia Federatsiia, No.
(29) First published in book form by Federatsiia in Moscow in 1930 (Grin, Sobranie sochinenii, v, 584).
(17.) Andrei Zagorodnikov, "Kakaia federatsiia nam nuzhno?" Nezavisimaia gazeta, 9 October 1998, p.
Blagoi, Sotsiologiia tvorchestva Pushkina: Etiudy (Moscow: Federatsiia, 1929), 308-28; I.

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